
pocket camera taking CF cards


pfm Member
My Digital Ixus 500 camera seems to have died on me & I seem to be having a bit of trouble finding which modern small point & shoot cameras take CF cards. I don't want to have to spend not only on a new camera but all my cards as well and my old Olympus C5050 ( in repair as we speak) takes that format. Any suggestions or is this type of memory card being phased out? If so I might go back to my old Minox 35mm compact film camera; at least I can still buy films!
CF isn't being phased out, but why insist on it for a compact? Memory is dirt cheap now, card readers are cheap too, if you need a new one for an SD card. I'd base my purchase on more important things.
SD cards are tiny, and more than fast enough for compact digital cameras, I'd have thought.

CF cards are used in DSLR cameras because they are more robust for the use they're put to, and DSLRs need faster cards.

I got a 16gb CF card for £30 the other day. I remember paying over £200 for a 4Gb microdrive for my first DSLR... I also seem to remember that this was a bit of a steal at the time
Thanks for all that. It is not that I am insisting on it Tony, but it annoys me that if I buy a new pocket camera I have to buy a new type of battery, new storage media etc. This sort of built-in obsolesence is very ecologically unfriendly. To repair the camera would probably cost more than buying a new one. That is why I am getting my Olympus C-5050 repaired at a cost of about 200€; I like it as it takes AA batteries instead of a proprietary battery and two types of card CF & XD and I can switch between them, also I have supplementary WA lens etc which would otherwise become redundant. At least I still have my FM3A & a series of lenses which should see me out as will my Rolleiflex 3.5F. All these digital jobs seem to have a life of some 7 years only which p****s me off; same with cars. Mine is 7 years old, small mileage & mechanically fine - it is the bloody electronics which will eventually let me down. OK rant over. for the time being I will use my Minox 35 - I have been all over the world with these little critturs & taken some of my best pictures with them. That said it is useful being able to send piccies by email etc with the new technology. Can you suggest by the way a GOOD mid price compact digital?
Seven years with the same digital camera? You deserve applause!
I look at things a slightly different way. Except in the art world, the cost of something is a direct reflection of the energy it consumes on its way to our ownership. If replacement is cheaper, so be it. I'll try to fix things myself, but once I give up, stripping the thing to pieces is good fun!

Saying that, I love my EOS 40D, so might actually pay up if the time comes. I don't need or want HD video, 1000000 megamillion pixels etc. Or just use my 35mm SLRs more!



