
PFM Help Squad

I'll happily attend any house where I can use up all your bog roll. I'm quite regular, normally between 0630 and 0700 in the morning.

After that I can use your hand sanitizer whilst you make me coffee and toast
hey @Alex S, we still can't get proper lancashire cheese here (toronto) since brexit. you promised to help way back.
I'm SE10 and happy to help. We don't even need to meet.

Vuk, my daughter works for Emirates - I'll fly over tomorrow, with cheese.
I'm in SL6. I'm only able to use an EBike these days but I do live next to two large supermarkets. If there is anyone in the area who needs small bits on a regular basis, please do feel free to contact me. I've put panniers on it so that I can carry a reasonable amount of shopping for local friends anyway.
I can help out in the St Albans area.

We need to start a Herts Posse, Bloss, gintonic, me you and I think there are a few more I recall from previous posts in the past. Maybe a drinking club or come and see my band - assuming gigging starts again.
Excellent idea, Alex. It's clear that a lot of people are going to lose their livelihoods and if we can help we should.

One off the top of my head: Giving to food banks is an easy thing to do. When you're out buying groceries for yourself, grab a few non perishables to pop into the collection bin. And call an elderly neighbour to see if you can pick up a few things.

Joe, I’m doing that already, many others too here I’m sure. That is general giving and I’m fine with that but pfm is a community and some, judging from posts, are clearly having difficulty and I thought we might help.

Thanks for genuine offers. The smartarses could perhaps vacate the thread. I am a smartarse but there’s a time and a place. Talking of time, the dog woke me up again.
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