
pfm Health Club

Steve, it gets weirder when mice consume the same calories, but in a shorter window and also live longer.
Do you mean over t a shorter window every day? Not seen this, though I have heardabout experiments with humans only eating once a day.
Do you mean over t a shorter window every day? Not seen this, though I have heardabout experiments with humans only eating once a day.
Steve, this is what I read the other day..

"Longer daily fasting times improve health and longevity in mice
Benefits seen regardless of calorie intake, diet composition in new study"

Anecdotally, George St Pierre's experiences with IF match aspects of this. He was/is an elite MMA fighter, who is famous for his science-based training and diet methods and was of course extremely fit. He has found substantial benefits from IF, with markers such as blood sugar and body fat improving, but counterintuitively his muscle mass also improving.
On holiday in York with no scales!

So, best I can do is Thursday’s weigh in (2 days were Monday/Tuesday, so hopefully not too impactful on Thursday’s reading).

137.5Kg - 1kg down from previous Saturday, overall down 3.3kg since Saturday 25th August.
On holiday in York with no scales!

So, best I can do is Thursday’s weigh in (2 days were Monday/Tuesday, so hopefully not too impactful on Thursday’s reading).

137.5Kg - 1kg down from previous Saturday, overall down 3.3kg since Saturday 25th August.
Nice and steady does it.
I intended to go 5/2 from last Monday but I find that total fasting doesn’t work for me. So just eating (much) less, plus bike rides daily (weather permitting). I know it’s the start of the regime and you get easy early results, but I’ve lost 4lbs in 5 days.

Another 28 to go o_O. Target is 210lb in a years time.
I intended to go 5/2 from last Monday but I find that total fasting doesn’t work for me. So just eating (much) less, plus bike rides daily (weather permitting). I know it’s the start of the regime and you get easy early results, but I’ve lost 4lbs in 5 days.

Another 28 to go o_O. Target is 210lb in a years time.

Whatever works. Best of luck.
I have lost a pound.

It is best mate/ beer night tonight, so my guess is I will find 2 pounds by the morning.
Facilitating alcoholism requires creating a deficit during the day. To keep under 2000 cals I eat a chopped apple and banana with a tablespoon of Greek yoghurt as a light 200 cal meal. A two egg omelette comes in at not much more. Worth it for the gallon of ale it allows!

Where’s the “I really shouldn’t like, but I like” button?
My alcohol hint is I started buying 330ml cans instead of 440, so I slightly increased the quality, but reduced by a quarter the quantity. I also only drink lots on Friday and Saturday, and a little on Sunday. Red wine is sometimes drunk instead of beer. I find that when I stick to this I tend to drink less on drinking days as well. It’s been holidays though, and I’ve grown fond of beer again...
Facilitating alcoholism requires creating a deficit during the day. To keep under 2000 cals I eat a chopped apple and banana with a tablespoon of Greek yoghurt as a light 200 cal meal. A two egg omelette comes in at not much more. Worth it for the gallon of ale it allows!

Well.. sort of.
When I first seriously lost weight, I removed beer, and excess consumption of salted peanuts, from my routine. However, I replaced the beer with wine.

The invocation to 'include your alcohol in your calorie count' is of course correct, but does not necessarily mean that you have to cut out alcohol for weight loss purposes. ( There are of course other arguments around the wisdom of alcohol intake)

I now have at least two alcohol free days per week and I've noticed that I tend to want to eat more on those days. I assume that my body is trying to make up for the calories not obtained from alcohol.

But, whatever, the reduction of overall calorie intake is the only realistic way to lose weight. ( Unless you are able to run a couple of hundred miles a day or similar) How much of that intake is made up of alcohol is a 'whole 'nuther argument.

I'm a believer in health and well being over and above diet and exercise (although I do pay a lot of attention to both personally, out of enjoyment).

Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, coupled with over eating are creating problems for many in middle age, let alone old age. Lethargy, type 2 diabetes, joint/ back pain are becoming more prevalent, but are all eminently avoidable and can be reversed if you're sufficiently motivated.

Its a simple prescription, one that is easy to read but can seem harder to carry through.
  1. Eating well and matching intake to your real activity levels
  2. Being more active, good for the body and mind especially if it gets you outdoors
  3. Correcting your posture and preventing aches from becoming chronic
  4. Retaining muscle mass (for keeping mobile when you get older)
I want to jump to 3. as its not been focused on yet. Desk work, commuting etc causes havoc with our posture and alignment - this can lead to issues with mid/lower back pain, shoulder/ neck pain, stiff hips etc. Apart from the symptoms the classic tell tale signs are shoulders rounded forward, pelvic tilt and stooping - ie quite the opposite from what many of us were drilled at school 'shoulders back, chest out, head up'!

If I said yoga will sort these and make you stronger (contributing to 4.) I'm sure there would be howls of derision but bear with me for a minute. If you think about it as stretching, mobilising and strengthening are all good things and having a way of doing all three and sorting it all in ten minutes has to be good?

There's loads of stuff on this on the web, but I thought I'd post this as its called 'yoga for big bastards' (works the same for smaller bastards too).

Ten minutes every morning to help cure issues you might have, or prevent them in the first place.
My alcohol hint is I started buying 330ml cans instead of 440, so I slightly increased the quality, but reduced by a quarter the quantity. I also only drink lots on Friday and Saturday, and a little on Sunday. Red wine is sometimes drunk instead of beer. I find that when I stick to this I tend to drink less on drinking days as well. It’s been holidays though, and I’ve grown fond of beer again...
That was kind of my doctor's suggestion. He said "buy more expensive wine". I did of course but sadly just as much of it.
If I said yoga will sort these and make you stronger (contributing to 4.) I'm sure there would be howls of derision but bear with me for a minute. If you think about it as stretching, mobilising and strengthening are all good things and having a way of doing all three and sorting it all in ten minutes has to be good?

There's loads of stuff on this on the web, but I thought I'd post this as its called 'yoga for big bastards' (works the same for smaller bastards too).

Ten minutes every morning to help cure issues you might have, or prevent them in the first place.

I love yoga and agree that it is terrific for improving strength and mobility. BUT. Please go to a class. You can injure yourself horribly if you don't do it properly. There are some poses the chap in your link is doing that my yoga teacher would give me a big row for!

FFS he does go on!

He spends most the article ranting about society's and particularly the medical professions attitude to fat people. Clearly scarred by the impact he seems to think this had on his mother.

This has led to a massive distortion of the various facts he seeks to deploy, and some careful selectivity. Up front he argues diets don't work - I agree, dieting rarely works long term - you have to reset your intake, activity and then your appetite will also reset. The author argues that no matter what you can't escape hunger if you're biologically pre-disposed, and that trying to do so will trigger a starvation response which is irreversible.

He makes some good points about the attitude and lack of help from doctors but overall this comes across as a rant about how unfair it all is.

