
"Once I put it down, I couldn't pick it up again"

I understand he got a bit upset when they published the first print run in the "new Romanian" font
"An absolute barnstormer of a book!

Our intrepid hero starts out as the son of a simple millionaire stockbroker, but fights against this calumny, manfully withstanding the privations of an exclusive public school, to become a miilionaire stockbroker.

It's a real riches to riches story!

But you want to know about the politics? It's one hell of a journey! From having extreme far-right views as a youth, Nigel travels the full spectrum of politics, from Far-Right, all the way to Far-Right!

After joining the Tory party, backed by Tory MP's and Tory Donors, expounding Tory ideas, Nigel decides to strike out on his own, founding another Tory party, backed by Tory MP's and Tory Donors, expounding Tory ideas.

Truly, the most inspiring book I've read since "Mein Kampf", and possibly "The Grand Dragon's Guide to Keeping Your Robes White!""


