
Old Pentax K gear


pfm Member
I have a Helios macro bellows, K fit, and a 2x auto coupled Hoya teleconverter, PK fit. Can these be used with modern gear? The bellows looks to mount the PK lens reversed using a 49mm filter thread.

Alternatively the fittings are removable if adaptors for other cameras are still available for the thing.

Does it have a value any more?

Regards & thanks
Yep, it can be used with modern gear, only in manual mode of course.

Does it have any value? Certainly does to someone who would make use of it.
Thanks aybee, that's in line with what I hoped. I'm reassured that PK fit lenses are still in use. I think I'll put it in FS here at an attractive price and see if any PFMers want it.

