
Lu's Thread

Two nice new [to me] easy chairs. One for Luna, and one for me. Which one does Luna choose?

You probably guessed already!


I have to share my seat with her, so as to guarantee she gets even more TLC.

Terriers, you got to love 'em! At least Luna's chair will be nice for guests. Mine has a Soway sheepskin on for added comfort.

Perhaps I'll buy another sheepskin for the guest chair, or two so that one of my antique wooden chairs will be nice if I have more than one guest.

We have been weeding a huge border today, and Luna likes to get into the thick of it, so she was covered in burrs until a few minutes ago.

In a world of post-modern, post-truth, post acceptance of expert opinion, Luna shows one thing never changes. A good dog brightens life!

Best wishes from George
Luna is so kindly that it almost unbelievable.

Being Saturday I only got up at seven. Lovely sunny light streaming in my north[ish] facing bedroom. I saw two back legs stick out from the continental quilt, and the rest of her was tucked under my left arm on my chest! I think she likes me. To get into that position without waking me up is a remarkable act of stealth!!!

No doubt the little dog has the benefit of a happy home, but those I meet daily have noticed that my own mood has gone from mild permanent pessimism to being genial, happy and patient.

I'd call that win-win.

Today I helped a friend with a spring cistern [a good ten foot deep] from which his and his wife's water is pumped. The water makes lovely tea! Well it quite near the road below the house and my friends said it would be a risk to Luna to let her potter about. She now knows not to go near roads and stuck within twenty feet of us, just sniffing doggy treasure - other dogs scents. It is as if she has gone from undeveloped puppy to mature characterful adult in a few weeks. To achieve that she would have to be and is rather bright. Also wicked; not destructive, but showing real terrier playful humour. She hid my cap under a cushion and her own collar in a spare boot this week!

You cannot be serious in the same room as a dog as great as Luna! She has no bite in her, but is now brave enough to catch hold of a finger and pull. So gentle.

Best wishes from George

PS: I did try to make a second walk vid, but it is hopeless. She goes so fast and so far now that one black pixel moving about five hundred yards away hardly works as entertainment.
At work today I was surprised to find a very old Silky Bantam cockerel in the kitchen. Luna was off lead. Attack? No way. She sniffed the aged bird and put her paw on his back [moment to gasp], and sat down and liked his wounded backside which had suffered fly strike [maggots]. She was caring for a chicken in distress. That must be a first for a terrier. Also not in the training manual. I think because she realises she is so loved that she loves everything else. Pure gentle soul that she is proving to be.

I was taken aback by this totally exceptional behaviour. More or less miraculous as four week's ago she would have been the opposite.

You do have to love animals for their inherent sense of what is right. You cannot teach that ...

She is easily the most wonderful animal or human I have ever had the privilege to know. I can hardly call her my possession as clearly she is a totally wonderful creature, and the relationship is largely now one of equality, and the only law that needs laying down is for own safety such as crossing the road, where she definitely does not possess much sense. To have die like that would be a terrible blow.

The owner of the cockerel almost had a conniption during the incident. I think her respect for the little dog jumped a 1000% in about a micro-second.

Best wishes from George
Luna is advancing leaps and bounds.

On Friday she managed to get loose in a chicken pen, where I was re-felting four roofs ...

Well she pottered about [in the extreme heat] and did not bother with the few chickens that were not free-ranging it out of the pen. Up till now she would chase chickens for the fun of seeing them take flight. So the next test was to see what she would do about the Alpacas. I had finished the chicken shed roofs, and so put the tools away including my wheel barrow that lives in a little shed next to the meadow ... She saw the Alpacas and tore off at speed.

"LUNA! Leave them!"

Instant brakes. "Come here". Races back to me. So I give her a lot of praise and some TLC. Next test was to leave her with the temptation to sneak off and chase them, which she started to.
"Leave them Luna." ... in a quiet tone, and she did.

She then pottered around ignoring the Alpacas. That will stick, but the chickens may take a bit longer. We shall see.

She has a bit of a nemesis in the black and white Spaniel that lives at that house. He is basically a bully, and she is so playful; she is good with all dogs. No biting, but she does like to play if the other dog wants. But this Spaniel simply jumps straight on top of her, which she has no answer to. So now she blanks him. Walks on by without even a look. If the Spaniel invites her to play it is as if she is looking straight through him without seeing. Like an ignore button.I would say she has that Spaniel's measure, and he has absolutely no idea how to deal with being ignored. Fortunately she can now run faster than him, which was a sight the first time it happened, as the Spaniel just stopped as if he had just given up in disgust!

On the other hand she has a charming way of playing with chocolate brown Lab. She finds one his toys, and throws it in the air, catches it and them lobs it towards him! It is hilarious to watch.

Needless to say, she is settled with me in a way that I could hardly have hoped for, and her few vices, such as tormenting the chickens and Alpacas are being ironed out without anything more than encouragement to behave properly.

One reply early on said that Patterdales can be highly intelligent, but often use that intelligence to do what they know you don't want. Well I think she is intelligent alright, but she is so happy that all she wants is to learn what she simply is not allowed to so that she can get on and do the things that are fun and allowed.

I have tried to make a new walk video, but it is hopeless. She moves too fast and goes too far for it to make an entertaining film!

I had a nearly cold bath this morning, and she decided to pinch and hide one of my slippers. She hid it under the throw on her chair! Such endearing naughtiness. Not nicked to chew it, but for the fun of seeing me search for it. Priceless!

Best wishes from George
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Been away for my first holiday since August 2020. Three nights, in effect two nice days, one cycling and one just chilling.

Luna went to stay with the lady who gave her to me [not the girl who has had her since weaning], and though I had to unload my bag and the bike before collecting the little dog, I waited for my cup of tea till after we had a walk out. I am not sure whether the dog was more pleased to see me or the other way round! I had the "lick of love!" Face, hands, arms and she knocked my glasses for six in the process. She also brought my workaday cap out of hiding! Share and share alike!

It was funny to knock on my friend's door and be barked at by Luna, though she stopped as soon as I said hello through the door!

Now she has proved to be settled in, I think that will be it for the while with this thread. The anxiety about settling her in are over now. She makes everyone smile who meet her. She has a way about her, even if she is hardly effusive with people. Just sweet and polite.

Thanks for all the lovely replies! Pages of them. I hardly thought it would provoke that much interest.

Thanks and best wishes from George
George, congratulations on your successful adoption. What a lovely, heart-warming thread. May Luna bring you many happy years of happiness.
George, congratulations on your successful adoption. What a lovely, heart-warming thread. May Luna bring you many happy years of happiness.

Dear PsB,

Please do let's put it the other way round. It is my happy privilege to give Luna everything I have to offer to be a happy dog. I did that with my old Welsh Sheep Dog [Welsh Collie, long legs, loose eyes [technical term for how they stare out sheep], needs no advise on how to herd sheep, already knows what the boss is thinking even before he thought it].

I never had a moment of anxiety with Fred, but Luna is an adult though young dog; Fred learned everything [about politeness] from me, but his working ability was innate. Luna, fortunately, will never be a working dog so as to kill rodents, and I intend that she never develops hunting characteristics. What she is is an insanely energetic companion K9. A little Terrier that can outrun almost anything but a Greyhound, so that she plays merrily with any normal dog.

She is also [unlike most Terriers] demure in company, and without vice. I am lucky to have such a charmer on my hands, and as our relative ages mean a similar end point [all things being equal], we shall grow old gracefully! And in in co-ordination.

I can easily say that Luna coming to me is at least as good, and I would venture far better than winning the Lottery.

Best wishes from George
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Yes, great thread which has brought so many smiles to my face. I hope you and Luna have a long and happy life together George. It's amazing how a little dog can bring so much peace and happiness into your life :)
George, what a beautiful saga is unfolding before our eyes, proof, if it was ever really needed, that dogs are indeed man's best friend and are capable of lifting us from dispare and despondency. You both obviously deserve each other.

Yes, I know other animals are available.
George, you and Luna are a wonderful distraction from the gloom and misery that's surrounding us in these straitened times.
Luna has largely become Lu [like the the beginning of Luna] or Lulu ...
Luna is for stern correctives only. She is getting so soft and affectionate. Brilliant with kids ... in five minutes this afternoon she converted a terrified four or five year old girl to loving and playing with a a tiny and smart terrier. The child wanted nothing to do with a very demure little dog, who would not go near. But Lu ambushed her round a tall border in the garden and straight way ran away. The child followed. Then a riot of pleasure resulted when the dog and child ran round the border playing tag!

I guess that little girl may now want to have a terrier to play with!

With all the humility I can muster, Fate gave me a great companion, and so I accept that it was meant to be. Winning the Lottery would not necessarily bring me more soulful peace than the arrival of Lu. From her wish not to be out of sight of me, I think it reasonable to assume that the little dog thinks as much of me as I do of her.

Thanks for the patience of those keeping up with this thread. But really there is an awful lot not going well in the world. If a little dog makes me a better person, and I make her life happy, then in a world gone mad that is a little bit of positivity amid the encircling gloom. Why not?

Best wishes from George

PS: She can no longer slip through three inch gap. She is so muscular that she actually looks grown up at eighteen months. She really does not walk now: She bounces. A happy little dog and long live happiness.
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Lulu is showing that she loves life and today did the usual Terrier annoying stuff followed by something I have never seen before in dog.

She has a ridiculous tendency to want to join in work if not usually in a very positive sense. If you are trying to use a brush she has the tendency to want to grab it and hijack it! Hopelessly annoying and endearing all at the same time. It is as if she loves the opportunity to flatten her ears and show disapproval of being told off! And so on for a while, but the work was done. Then the number one son of a friend and the owner of place I was working this morning came out to see us. I have known this fellow for a very long time time and we talked nicely for a short while, where-up-on luny lay down on his feet rolled over and stretched out full length for a bit of TLC, which Robert gave her [he is definitely a serious dog person, and dogs do know]. He said that she is lovely and then those two had a few minutes of the tenderest affection it is possible to imagine. Lu does not really talk to men on first meeting, but she knew a dog person without a moment of hesitation. Dogs are so quick to recognise goodness.Then I said it was time to buzz off and she was at the car door before me. Robert said that she was definitely my dog in spite of her rather short time time with me.

Next stop was my solicitor [a Will to be made], where she also immediately befriended the receptionist, who could not wait to come out and meet the little dog. Not only is she a character in the [for some people intensely irritating] Terrier mould, but so good with people. Not all terriers are all that good with people.

I doubt that she will ever quite grow up, and that is good, but she has matured to her age from such a sad little puppy when I first got her nine or so weeks ago.

She hated the thunder over the last two days. Absolutely terrified. My old Collie Fred was just the same. Dogs know the power and danger that nature owns.

Best wishes from George
Luna sounds delightful. Interesting that she doesn't have a strong prey drive - some dogs do and others don't For example, our dog Rio has a very strong hunt/kill instinct. She is a whippet cross IG, while Jet, who is pure IG, is not really interested.

Our dogs are not really bothered by thunder. Rio (a rescue) just snuggled tighter under the duvet. Jet (bought from breeder, his dad is Rio's best friend) did get out of his bed, and seek a moment of reassurance, then went back to bed.

Our previous generation of dogs were rescue terriers, from Dog's Trust. We had them at six month's and a year, and their characters were more formed.

