
Nothing beats early morning listening…

Not really functional late at night anymore but in my youth I loved to stay up until stupid o'clock drawing or painting with music in the background and for me that was wonderful. The world was silent, wasn't going to interrupt and I was lost in music and art. Ok, I did miss a lot of school because I couldn't get up in the morning but it was worth it.
I get up at 5 every working day to work before I go to work!
Marking or planning? Not sth I found easy in the evenings after being at the chalk face all day.
Retirement from teaching looms. I’ll still work but not in teaching!
Similar history here with two separate retirements from teaching plus a re-entry to state school one term training course when I turned 60, but never followed through, except in T.E.F.L. on occasion. Always nice to use skills acquired over a long and varied period, but it seems that is not your intention.
Marking or planning? Not sth I found easy in the evenings after being at the chalk face all day.

Similar history here with two separate retirements from teaching plus a re-entry to state school one term training course when I turned 60, but never followed through, except in T.E.F.L. on occasion. Always nice to use skills acquired over a long and varied period, but it seems that is not your intention.
I’m teaching SENCo so lots. My idea is to move into Care, where they need people. I’ll not work full-time but it will be good to change after 35 years! Education is a different place now and I don’t like it anymore. The people are generally great but the expectations and approaches are not anymore and it has been further trampled by a callous government who know not what they do. I think helping locally is my best bet until there is surety in the political landscape.

