
Nick Drake- A Stranger Among Us.

Thank you Catain, I remember seeing this before and it was nice to revisit it. I first got into Nick Drake through an Island sampler in (I think) '68. I was always getting grief from house-mates when I was at Uni for playing Bryter Layter. Pink Moon is just too painful. I still wonder about who Hazey Jane was (is).
In 68 eh? wow you must've been one of the first to 'dig' him then, interesting. Pink Moon ain't painful if you're a guitarist, for every plucked note is far too inspiring for the mind to wander among the doomy spiel. I find it one of the most uplifting albums; one ND dichotomy that I have my take on, is (& unlike most musicians) that 99% of his bare tunes are so damn positive, uplifting and 'major'; very few minor chords thoughout. He added mystery and doom only in his lyrics and dry vocal style. Pink Moon, BEDog, Parasite, Road among his most doom filled.. but tunes as uplifting musically I possibly don't have in my whole collection. That is odd.

I think he was playing a childish, dark and dangerous game with people by creating a sort of doomed characature, hashish ultimately frazzling his perception of reality and this pseudo world he created for himself.. but he could still play beautiful, complicated guitar right up till the last days afaik, so he definately had this dexterity firmly in check.
Well I can see what you mean about the musicality being uplifting but I still don't go for Pink Moon when I need cheering up...

I looked out the Island sampler and it was from '69 not '68. It was the second one they brought out and called "Nice enough to eat". It still has a sticker on it for 14/6, and that was when an LP cost 37/6 <sigh> I'll get my pension book.
I looked out the Island sampler and it was from '69 not '68. It was the second one they brought out and called "Nice enough to eat". .

"Ah the good old days" I look back on them with a fondness ;)

I remember that sampler well.
I still wonder about who Hazey Jane was (is).

Isn't Hazey Jane about weed? Always seemed a reasonable assumption to me. I never got the impression (and this was reinforced by speculation in Patrick Humphrey's bio) that he was really singing about real women; they all seem so ethereal.
Isn't Hazey Jane about weed? Always seemed a reasonable assumption to me. I never got the impression (and this was reinforced by speculation in Patrick Humphrey's bio) that he was really singing about real women; they all seem so ethereal.

Ah!!!!!!!! Of course, Mary Jane = Hazy Jane. 40 years late, but I geddit now.

