
New source for Meridan DSP5200's


pfm Member
I'm at the point where I'm looking for a new good quality digital source to feed a pair of Meridian DSP5200 loudspeakers. The 'speakers will be doing the DAC work and the amplification (though I'm not necessarily against something with a decent analogue output stage, as it could be used in another system).

I realise that CD is at a bit of a crossroads, but I like something in my hand for my money and I have absolutely no desire to download anything from Itunes or anywhere else unless I have to in order to get what I want. Silver disc is still where it's at for me, but I realise that other forms of getting and storing music are there and fast improving, but fast-changing also. Computer based audio has moved on at a pace beyond my comfort zone. Nothing I read about it is in any way meaningful to me.

Having said that, I can see the attraction and benefits of having music stored on a hard drive, with access to album art, notes and full search facilities, plus being able to connect in a USB drive and such things. In fact, I would quite like it, so I would consider something that gave me the opportunity to store the content of CD's like that, but it would have to be a case of 'put it in, wait, take it out'. A nice, painless, simple and reliable operation in other words. Of course, the little I know about computers includes the fact that they are guaranteed to fail, so back-up of any data is required. I already don't like the sound of that.

I don't really want to spend more than £2k (used, dem, or new) and that has to include the ability to play CD's well as the prime concern. An obvious candidate might be Meridian Sooloos, but it's to expensive and it sounds damn complicated. The Naim Unitiserve sounds like the ideal type of candidate in what it supposedly does, but that, too, could be complicated for all I know, or there may be things out there that do the same better or for less. The Naim HDX was something else I saw, but much too expensive.

It may be that I should stay away from all this stuff I don't understand and just buy a competent CD player / transport - and I might do that, so recommendations welcome. I owe it to mysef to consider the alternatives though, so I'm interested in anyone's point of view on what I should consider. Obviously, once I make a short-list I can do the necessary test driving.
A 1TB RipNAS should fit the bill nicely or if you want/can do a bit of program setting up, the new Apple McMini with a 1TB HDD and 4GB or RAM will do to.

Me personally i use this: 500GB ATV/iTouch > Silflex Glass Optical < Benchmark Media DAC1-HDR > ATC balanced cables < ATC SCM50-ASL

The ATV sync's with my main iTunes Library where I've created a 1000+ album Playlist in ALAC. Once synced the dedicated 1TB laptop is switched off/put away and the ATV is controlled via the iTouch, making it about as 'anti-computer audio' as possible :), it's more akin to a sky+ box ...
The speakers only have coaxial SPDIF, so if you were to go with a Mac mini, you'd also need an optical to coaxial converter or a USB to coaxial converter like the M2Tech Hiface. The latter is supposed to be an improvement over the optical connection from a Mac so it might be a worthwhile path.

On the other hand, Squeezebox models have coaxial and particularly the Touch might be a good fit. It features a USB port to which you can attach a harddrive and obviously the interface should also be rather convenient.
Meridian 500Mk2 transport and 518 should set you back £800.

The 518 has a number of digital ins so you can add a streamer.
Amazon has the Touch for £210. A 500GB portable drive for £60 is good for 1000+ full albums on CD (always keep a duplicate though) and desktop drives are cheaper still. This is by far the easiest option and leaves you a lot of budget left to sort out CD playback.

Personally, I'd give this a try and see if you still want a dedicated CD player.
There's quite an interesting thread here about the upcoming new Audiolab models. Have a peek at that; it's titled 'At Last ....'
Have you had a look at the Meridian Sooloos stuff? It sounds ideal for you, apart from the price, but there are rumours of a cheaper version coming sometime next year.

I have a control 15 and it sounds great, but most importantly is really easy to use and maintain. You can connect Sooloos directly into new Meridian speakers using a cat5-alike cable, making things even easier for you. I'd try to have a look and a play with this and other options before making any decisions.
Sooloos is certainly logical, but the price is prohibitive and I read a couple of threads by people who were experiencing problems, plus how to sort them, which were completely unintelligible and seemed to involve an awful lot of 'computer' type stuff which just scares me. Even some of the terms in the helpful posts above are meaningless to me.
arcam ms250, have a look on ebay, I got one a few months ago for about £500, although they have gone for less, its got a hard drive and will play cd's, it has 4 analogue outputs, all with volume control, and digital outs and it sounds good as well
Have you ever ripped CDs or otherwise tried computer playback? Before investing into anything, you can try to see how you get along with the concept.

Most alternatives mentioned above would allow you to use a smartphone or an iPod touch (perhaps other devices as well) to control your setup. It's not difficult, but you need to take the leap.
The whole object is to avoid computers if at all possible and I don't mind paying a premium for the privilege to be honest.
Sounds like you might be the ideal next user of my old tag Mclaren DVD32R. Sound quality equal to my mediacentre PC but you can still put the shiney silver beer mats in it and play them in real time.

Plays DVD's pretty well too

PM me if you're interested
from personal experience I can tell you the buffered disc spinners from Meridian sound remarkable over spdif into their digital active speakers. The bargain de jour is the 596 which go for under £400 (£2.5k new).

