
new nexus 7. sign me up

I hope it taps into the google play store which some how is not the same as the apple store.

Yes, my current ones are blazingly fast... i have rooted them and am running PRIME Rom as well as the M-Kernel and the USB Audio Output mod(real cool)..overclocked as well.
I want a bigger tablet, not a smaller screen.

Next gen, 13-ish please
I would love to have digital scrolls on flexible screens. Pull It out and its any length you want it. Said Silenas to the donkey...

I'll get me toga
Yes, my current ones are blazingly fast... i have rooted them and am running PRIME Rom as well as the M-Kernel and the USB Audio Output mod(real cool)..overclocked as well.

The current nexus uses A9 cores, the APQ8064 is Krait based putting it on a par with the A15, so it will be 30 to 40% faster plus the adreno 320 is no slouch.
Genuinly a question here, why? What are you using a tablet for that needs such grunt? Games?
I believe its USB audio output as per a computer - you could dock it and have a Squeezebox type thing going on (with a phone or tab as remote)

A lot of tablets cannot do this - they use the USB for upload/download (ie the tablet becomes a storage drive) and storage, but do not host a device (ie a DAC)

googul for OTG audio tablets etc

... hope that's it anyway!
And rumours of a 10inch samsung Tablet with 2560x1600 res.... Now that interests me!
My current Nexus 10 has that resolution. I like it!

Games are going to be the only thing that could make use of that spec, so whats the point other than to sell it on the fact it has a big spec?
Nexus 10 is a pleasure to use, everything happens quickly. I didn't notice how slow my aging smart phone was until I got the Nexus.
But that does not answer my question.

The trouble with all tablets is as input devices for gaming they are all shit. Games are going to be the only thing that could make use of that spec, so whats the point other than to sell it on the fact it has a big spec?

Microsoft started selling slabs with big spec for 'work' look where that got them:

Simulation programmes need shed loads of processing, besides no one is going to write a computationally intensive application for a device that cannot run it. Build it and they will programme for it.
But do you not agree that in general gaming on tablets is a bit shit? Sure the graphics can be good but the lack of physical controls, and with your thumbs hiding part of the screen, well its not great.

Still, if they can do a quad core for 250 buckaronis, then fair enough, it looks pretty good.

