
New Nagra LB owner needing help.

The Nagra LB manual is for sound engineers,which I am not. The manual is worthless to me. Nagra bills the LB for use in nature recordings as well as for journalists. They did a crapy job in making the LB manual useful for non engineers(in my opinion). I need help in setting it up for bird vocalizations and to record lectures. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
What a nice little machine, I did not know they produced one like that. You will benefit from proper mic preamps which the Zoom products I use (for broadcast sometimes) lack.
It is a professional machine and I assume suitably priced too so I don't expect it to be hard to get a result from it but it may need tweeking to get the best from it.
What in particular do you need help with? There will be options regarding mic gain, bit depth and compression, where do you stand with those aspects? Being a Nagra, it will be pretty robust and you will not be able to break it so it is best to have a play and if you like what you hear you are more than half way there.
If there is a link to a free copy of the manual, please supply it and we can go from there. One further thing, you will need high quality mics for your birdy activities, low noise and highly directional mics of a professional standard will make all the difference. For recording lectures, any decent cardioid will do.
Off now to check the price, I have a weakness for these card recorders!
OK just found the manual. If you recoil from acronyms and rejoice in being non-tech (nothing bad about that by the way), you might struggle with this machine. If you bought from a dealer, ask for a demonstration first off. You will need to format the card and possibly the internal hard drive, the instructions detail what to do but you may have a very steep learning curve to get going on this bit of kit.
All modern professional recorders are menu driven - computers with knobs on- so you will experience the same issues with all of them, even the domestic Zoom H4n I have is the same. Try looking up the Zaxcom Fusion or Sound Devices 744 to compare.

