


pfm Member
Does anyone here use netflix?

I have had a subscription for a few months and I think there has only been a handlful of "new releases" in that time, and those are at least two years old. There doesn't seem to be much new content at all unless you watch US TV series, or am I missing something?
I have a subscription because its full of kids stuff and we have kids. For adults not a lot going on.
I like it. LOts of good British tv shows, plenty classic films and a few new ones. It's worth it's £6 any time. You just have to learn to make the most of it, go on the site, do their small surveys and it helps them target you with really decent recommendations.

I can always find something I fancy watching on Netflix, and their 30 day trial is much easier to cancel, than love film, who make you phone them and go through a painful negotiation process to cancel. Netflix is all done on the site, you're in total control.

The US version does have a lot more of the popular scifi stuff, but its coming slowly to the UK site.
Tried it for the first free month and then cancelled - not a lot going for it by way of recent movies.

I've heard previously that the US version is much better - might try again using the links above.

Thanks Stunsworth.
Us version is a lot better, i figure one movie watched on Netflix a month and its paid for itself... and If the above link tickles your interest, I would recommend wholeheartedly a slightly more thorough private anonymising service with a simple web on/off interface that will not only serve Netflix but will also allow Hulu, the WB, iTunes US downloads and access to "blocked everywhere other then the USA" services like Pandora and appear to other services as if you we're in the USA, that link is good but it appears to be wholly Netflix only. full service proxy will also act as an ad intermediary and remove any of the semi-porno ads that creep in on websites that skim close to the bottom of the SFW barrel. Some of them now strip out in-video (skip in x seconds) adverts which is lovely.

I have a "media" side of our network that has its own DNS redirection to a private US proxy, its a bit more complicated tis way but a lot more thorough.

I wish I didn't have to cheat to watch content and this means I am not resorting to the Pirate Bay but UK services are a tad restrictive and the UK is rather poorly served.
I'm sure things should not be so complicated but copyright vs local laws vs technical ability often make content hard to consume even when willing to pay. This is not only annoying to a consumer but I expect it robs the content creator of some revenue.
Daughter used to watch it a lot.
Blew the data limit on the satellite system and clocked up £100 in data on her
phone watching rubbish US tv so she has no access now.
Yes, good point, I had to go for the unlimited data package on Satellite pretty soon after signing up, but it was iCloud and Dropbox that really chewed through my 50Gb/month allocation. Movies can be as much as 1-2GB per movie so yes, restraint or a higher tarriff is needed.
Yes, good point, I had to go for the unlimited data package on Satellite pretty soon after signing up, but it was iCloud and Dropbox that really chewed through my 50Gb/month allocation. Movies can be as much as 1-2GB per movie so yes, restraint or a higher tarriff is needed.

Are you able to get cable in your area, highly recommend virgin media as it is unlimited data. I'm paying £34 per month and get about 130MB, using a download manager I'm able to achieve rates of around 13MB/s
No, I live in the middle of nowhere at the end of the electric and phone line where broadband is 0.5mbps over BT with no LLU available, its BT or nowt. Its ~£60 a month via KaSat Tooway. I get uncapped 28Mbit/s download (satellite uplink is ~7Mbits/s) and see shows download around at 2.5MByte/second. More than good enough for as much 1080p HiDef streaming as I can take.

It's only a little more but a lt lot more speed than is possible here: the KaSat service is fast, reliable, unlimited and cuts out our BT £15 a month & capped ISP & calls which always ended up about £45-£50 a month on BT despite "money saving" packages. so we cut BT and ISP off entirely, Skype when we need it.
No, I live in the middle of nowhere at the end of the electric and phone line where broadband is 0.5mbps over BT with no LLU available, its BT or nowt. Its ~£60 a month via KaSat Tooway. I get uncapped 28Mbit/s download (satellite uplink is ~7Mbits/s) and see shows download around at 2.5MByte/second. More than good enough for as much 1080p HiDef streaming as I can take.

It's only a little more but a lt lot more speed than is possible here: the KaSat service is fast, reliable, unlimited and cuts out our BT £15 a month & capped ISP & calls which always ended up about £45-£50 a month on BT despite "money saving" packages. so we cut BT and ISP off entirely, Skype when we need it.

Assume the bold is trying to make a point and if we are being pedantic it's actually 130 Mbps and 13 MBps divide the bandwidth by 10 to get the download rate (8 bits plus approx 2 for overhead)
I still pay for netflix but only because I can't be arsed cancelling it, the only thing I've watched so far is warehouse 13 and House of Cards other than that have found it to be fairly crap.

No way near as crap as lovefilm though, nearly every film I've wanted to watch is postal rental only!!!
Love warehouse 13

Yes I was making a point because on a quoted by BT half a megabit, the line landline was actually giving me 75Bytes a second. My bps counter on a 1.2GB file of True Blood in 1080p at the moment is wavering around the 2.6MB/second so its clearly delivering in excess of my expected bandwith, bearing in mind its also having to cope with several gadgets and several computers in our gratuitously Internet connected house. We get awful ping times, naturally, but once it gets going, boy does it get going!

Love it. Never thought I would have this sort of speed in the sticks. if we ever want 56Mbit/s we can bolt another doodad on the satellite dish and pay double.
Ah ok thought you were having a dig at my use of MB instead of Mb etc, probably reading too much into things again :)

Anything that isn't BT has got to be better than BT in my view, I had an absolute nightmare with BT ADSL years ago and vowed never to use them again.
Sorry, no not a dig. Some people see 2.5MB/s and assume is two and a half megabit.

I won't be going back to landline. ISDN was bad, broadband was 2.5mbit but dropped to 0.5 a couple of years ago. 28mbit KaSat is the best solution for us. Especially as phone lines are habitually dragged down by tree felling because of course the smartest thing to do is plant a telegraph pole in the middle of forestry land!

I like Netflix US, its the Spotify of TV. I find AppleTV's UK film selection in both Netflix and iTunes prosaic and unworkable. I also notice when I switch to the UK almost every top film has a picture of a man holding a gun looking at me with a woman standing behind him looking at him. Less of that on the US services.

