
Naim Prices?


pfm Member
I'm a Naim owner of a NSC 222.
I noticed they've upgraded the Uniti to included a power amp.
But is £8600 - pushing £10k.

What is up with the pricing?
There is a thread on this
The nova always had a power amp the new one has class D
There is no justification for the pricing, its just gouging what is left of the punters willing to pay.
We should at least be thankful its not an 'audiophile switch'
I don't unferstand posts/threads like this.

Naim make a product. They charge £x for it. If you don't think that's good value then don't buy it.

& btw, Naim hasn't 'upgraded' the Nova to include a power amp. It already had one. The PE replaces the A/B class amp with a D class amp.

I think it;s outrageously highly priced vs the competition, but that's just my opinion/value judgement.
I don't unferstand posts/threads like this.

Naim make a product. They charge £x for it. If you don't think that's good value then don't buy it.

& btw, Naim hasn't 'upgraded' the Nova to include a power amp. It already had one. The PE replaces the A/B class amp with a D class amp.

I think it;s outrageously highly priced vs the competition, but that's just my opinion/value judgement.
Your opinion is valued.
Can you point me to the thread?

I don't unferstand posts/threads like this.

Naim make a product. They charge £x for it. If you don't think that's good value then don't buy it.

That's missing the point. There's people here who care about Naim and their products, but are priced out of the market to buy it. If your favourite band announced a tour and were charging £1k per ticket, and you came on here and moaned about it, you'd be ok with that right?
That's missing the point. There's people here who care about Naim and their products, but are priced out of the market to buy it. If your favourite band announced a tour and were charging £1k per ticket, and you came on here and moaned about it, you'd be ok with that right?
It does seem lopsided though, Naim get bashed almost daily, other companies have significantly increased pricing last few years and barely if ever get a mention, dCS huuge uplifts, Linn, Cyrus - their new kit is way dearer that the old range, I bought a PSX in Covid rrp £795, new version rrp is £2,395.

Moan away :)

FWIW the old classic range is pretty affordable used now the NC is out and still sounds great if you like the Naim sound sig.
pfm has always been very Naim-centric though, that's why they get a lot of discussion on here (take a look at the DIY pages, and the classified section used to be mostly Naim at one point although it's more diverse now). And yes, some other brands are equally if not more so outrageously priced.
That's missing the point. There's people here who care about Naim and their products, but are priced out of the market to buy it. If your favourite band announced a tour and were charging £1k per ticket, and you came on here and moaned about it, you'd be ok with that right?
What's the point of moaning? It won't change anything. The ranting on a forum may make the poster feel better but it will have the square root of bugger all effect on Naim's price.

Naim choose their pricing. They're a profitable, successful company, whatever many would have you believe so presumably they know what they're doing.

What is it with this general obsession with Naim pricing? Why not start ranting at all the other massive price hikes in hi-fi over recent years?

As I say, if the price isn't value for you as a buyer then walk on by. The act of not buying is the only effective action that can be taken.
What's the point of moaning? It won't change anything.
Oh dear, I think you've not understood the point of the forum. This is a community of like minded people, who come together to discuss what they care about. This is not about changing anything, it's about sharing your thoughts with other people.

As I said, if you want to post on here to say how great a product is, how you were disappointed by something, how much something is under/over valued, then that's great. It's not going to change anything, but so what?
I must admit I've found some recent price rises quite shocking, not Naim as I've no interest in their products so wouldn't be aware of the prices beforehand but the Brinkmann Bardo jumped from £5995 to £7995, to me that's a fairly significant price rise.
It’s not just Naim, lots of companies have put their prices up significantly higher than the rate of inflation.

Cheers BB
Materials/parts prices really shot up post-lockdowns, way above the notional rate of inflation, I think. One big issue that Roy Gandy I think it was has been explaining was some companies grew too rapidly and unsustainably with the extra demand and that time and there will inevitable be some 'smoothing out' to come.
pfm has always been very Naim-centric though, that's why they get a lot of discussion on here
I find it more interesting if a 150W Nova sound better, worse or equal to original 80W Nova.
If it sound better, then Naim might implement Class D in all their amplication and double the price, now thats something ! :oops:
There's been a heavily moderated thread on the Naim forum about this...
Looks to me like a clear case of price gouging in a particular segment of the market.... I wouldn't buy one, and I did just buy an ex-dem NC 222 and 250.... (very good btw).
Naim and others seem to me to be waving a big flag at the Chinese which says "please come and flood our markets with your high quality, affordable products".

Eversolo are already here, on the high street with their offerings and they certainly won't be the last.

I suspect the European car makers will also be in for a good drubbing shortly!

It's not that reasonably priced and high quality can't be done in Europe. Just check out what Genelec can offer on the pro audio side.

I think its a question of get more sensibly priced or go out of business for a lot of the Europeans.
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