
Naim power amp recapping query


pfm Member
Sorry if this is a bit vague at the moment but I have a query regarding recapping a NAP160.

I have a 160 which, as far as I know, has never been serviced at all(haven't yet checked with Naim) and which I would like to 'sort out'(it already sounds lovely to my ears). I was talking about this with a mate the other night, who has very kindly offered me 4 Phillips caps he has spare, for free. I'm not sure, though, if they are going to be suitable and wanted some advice - they are ones which he used(for about 8 months before getting a Naim service) in a pair of 135's he has and I wasn't sure if these will suit a 160 as well?

I will find out more detail in a couple of days about exactly what model the Phillips' are if this info is needed or, if anyone can advise in a theory if a cap that's used in a 135 can also be used in a 160, I would be most grateful.

Thanks to all...
No real reason why not - depends on the uF and voltage rating - and then the physical dimensions

Depending on the vintage of your 160 you may only need 2 caps. Here's a link to some photos of recapping my old bolted case 160

Thanks Tim, that link was very helpful - I've not actually opened up the power amp yet so am grateful for a view of what to expect. My 160 is, I think, a later model with the extruded rather than bolt down case so am not certain if I'll only need 2 caps or four at the moment. I'll try and have a look this evening if I get time.
Back again, I'm afraid.

Went to my friend who had the barely used caps left over from his 135s and they're no good, unfortunately - they're 15,000uF/63V, and the 160 I have has 4x 10,000/40V ones fitted. His were also bolt fittings whereas mine will need a bit of soldering. query is can anyone recommend some decent capacitors of the above value - this is my first time attempting a mini service and I'm finding the choices at RS/Farnell/etc a little daunting. I was hoping to get this done for less than £50.00, so if that could be borne in mind when advising I'd be really grateful.


Do they sit vertically on to a PCB, or are they strapped down somehow? The height and diameter of the caps may be important to allow them to fit. Hopefully someone will have replaced these self same caps and can advise for sure, otherwise these dimensions will help find something that will fit.

Forgive me if you know this already but dont forget to check the bias/standing current or whatever its called.
I recapped a Nap 90 having never done one before and the pesky thing went and blew up on me. Thermal runaway apparently.

They're strapped down in pairs(4 caps in total), rather than being mounted on the PCB - shows my ignorance, really, as I never thought to measure the physical size of them when I had the case open, only taking a written note of the electrical requirements.

From memory, they were about 3-4cms in diameter by about 10cm long. I would imagine, though, that I'll need to provide more accurate info than that. I'll open up the case again tonite if I get a chance, in order to provide exact dimensions - if anyone has the answer from personal experience in the interim, I'd be most grateful.

Thanks, RichardH, for the advice.

You'll need the diameter right so they'll hold in the strap. A digital pic would be good, too.
Forgive me if you know this already but dont forget to check the bias/standing current or whatever its called.

Thanks for the tip, Paul - I didn't actually know this so it's useful you've passed it on, although I'm getting the assistance of an (adult...;) ) electrical engineer friend of mine for all the tricky bits, and I should imagine he'll be aware of this. I will make sure I mention it, though.

Thanks again,


The caps originally in my 160 were 10000uF 40v solder tag. I replaced them with 15000uF 63v screw connection - They werre a bit bigger but so was the bass after I fitted them - depends how much modding of your 160 you want to do

There's a photo on the link I gave you of the old caps compared to the new ones


If you don't use your mate's caps in the 160 you could easily use a pair of them in a diy hicap clone

Or if you decide not to use them at all I might be interested in them if they're BC114's
Hi Tim - thanks for the advice.

There's a photo on the link I gave you of the old caps compared to the new ones

Sorry - I hadn't realised that the ones you fitted were actually of a different power type, I'd merely assumed that they come in different sizes. Thank you for clearing that up.

Having looked at the inside of my 160, and knowing exactly how (in)competent I am, I decided against trying to fit in the BC114s(I'm pretty certain, now you mention that, that they were the ones my friend has spare) in. The clamps in my 160 differ from yours in that they go completely over the top of each pair, so fitting in different size ones would involve drilling the casework, as well as internal alterations that I don't really want to make at present. I'm going to stick to a similar size/power for this particular DIY attempt.

If you don't use your mate's caps in the 160 you could easily use a pair of them in a diy hicap clone

This is a possibility - depending on time/funds/confidence, my friend and I will be building either a pair of 135 clones, or, as you say, making use of the caps for a hicap clone instead. He has actually leant me a 'spare' hicap he had in the loft and I love what it's done to the sound, so, if he decides he wants it back, the hicap clone will be the choice of project.

Anyway, thanks again for the advice and link - I'm borrowing a digital camera from work today so will try and get inside the 160 tonite to take a picture(and will be back tomorrow asking for advice on how to paste in photos here...:D ).

don't hesitate - it will be well worthwhile.

I've gone down this route with some guidance and mods from AshleyD and Fretless Eric.

They replaced my 160 and I've never looked back.

Here's a link to some photos

If you want some gen on the tweaks have a search on the diy forum for 'McB'


