
Naim DAC Burndy Cable confusion! Help!


pfm Member

I have built a custom PSU to power a Naim DAC (ie. it is an XPS equivalent). However, I am completely confused with the Burndy configuration......

So below is the pin configuration for the DAC and the configuration of the Burndy. The Burndy seems to mirror the connections on my PSU which I copied from the XPS. But why is the DAC side so utterly different? It doesnt match the configuration at all.

Have I got the wrong Burndy???




The last picture is the blanking plug from the DAC
The blanking plug re-routes power from the internal power supply to the pins that the XPS would supply. Therefore it has to connect extra pins than the XPS would. There are also separate 0v connections in the Burndy from the XPS where the internal power supply will have one or two, so that saves a couple of pins. Confusing, I agree.
PS the Burndy ought to fit and work becasue it's an XPS version, its extra pins go into empty holes in the DAC.

