
My Avondale SE200 Build


pfm Member
On 1st March 2024, I received SE200 board form Avondale. Fitted to Nap140 monoblocks with some help from Gavin (thru emails). After full break-in in about 2 weeks, I did a critical listening on the sound. So it is obvious that it sounded much better than the original NAPA6 as mentioned in this forum before. The one I miss is the bass slam is not as good as Naim but the bass note is easier to follow/listen. After long consideration, I decided that it is better to fit this module in its own case, so it is easier to swap between Naim and SE200.

I bought the case from Ali Express:

Transformer is using 300VA 30V-0-30V from Element14.

Power supply : Minicap6 style : using 4 x 6800uf and 2 x 10000uf 50V Epcos Caps.
Rectifier : Avondale FWB2

The rear panel is fitted with 4 pins DIN and also RCA, so I have flexibility to use any pre amp.

Speaker terminals distance also as Naim's speaker plug for NACA cable.

Here is some photo for the build.
General Layout by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Drilling holes

Drilling by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Fitting trial

Trial fitting by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Internal Layout by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Front Facia by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Fitting Mains Switch by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Rear Layout by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Wiring by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Adjusting DC Offset
DC Offset by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr


Finished Product by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Driven by NAC72 + RSL

Driven by NAC72 with RSL by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Now, I plan to make preamp for it. I have nac72 boards not in is it worth it, or need to make better one?

Wonderful amps, congrats.

For the preamp, I would keep the 72 and put some Neil Jadman’s boards into it. I did it with my NAP 32.5 and it brought it to a complete other level of performance :

I also got an Avondale TPR4 for my CB Hicap and really can’t ask for more :

On 1st March 2024, I received SE200 board form Avondale. Fitted to Nap140 monoblocks with some help from Gavin (thru emails). After full break-in in about 2 weeks, I did a critical listening on the sound. So it is obvious that it sounded much better than the original NAPA6 as mentioned in this forum before. The one I miss is the bass slam is not as good as Naim but the bass note is easier to follow/listen. After long consideration, I decided that it is better to fit this module in its own case, so it is easier to swap between Naim and SE200.

I bought the case from Ali Express:

Transformer is using 300VA 30V-0-30V from Element14.

Power supply : Minicap6 style : using 4 x 6800uf and 2 x 10000uf 50V Epcos Caps.
Rectifier : Avondale FWB2

The rear panel is fitted with 4 pins DIN and also RCA, so I have flexibility to use any pre amp.

Speaker terminals distance also as Naim's speaker plug for NACA cable.

Here is some photo for the build.
General Layout by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Drilling holes

Drilling by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Fitting trial

Trial fitting by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Internal Layout by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Front Facia by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Fitting Mains Switch by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Rear Layout by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Wiring by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Adjusting DC Offset
DC Offset by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr


Finished Product by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Driven by NAC72 + RSL

Driven by NAC72 with RSL by Azman Mahmod, on Flickr

Now, I plan to make preamp for it. I have nac72 boards not in is it worth it, or need to make better one?

Lovely build Azman. Hope the new PSU sorts out the bass issues

Be careful with the heatsinking with those small boxes as it looks like the base plate is thinner (2.5mm) on the Ali cases than on the original Naim boxes. Especially if your speakers are a low impedance load.
That's a lovely build. Two points to ponder:
  • Regarding bass, I've noticed that lesser amps tend to have undefined bloated bass, which can sometimes be enjoyable (as it's more of a "wall" of bass). Better amps tend to present the bass in a more articulated and nimble fashion, but this sometimes eliminates the illusion of slam that you get from the poorer amp. (I've noticed the same thing with voices singing in harmony. Lesser systems blend them together and present them as a cohesive block, while better systems allow you to perceive the separate voices. This can be good or bad, depending on your preferences.)
  • Is your switch able to handle the full mains voltage? I used something similar on one of my builds, and the switch eventually failed (after a couple years of use).
Yes and fit the Avondale FWB2 schottky rectifier in the HiCap and also do the Mr Tibbs split earth mod. Both make a considerable difference.

I haven't noticed any lack of bass with the SE200's, the opposite in fact!

I also didn't have to adjust the dc bias as Les said it's set before shipping, unless I'm mixing this up with some other bias setting.
Thanks for all good comments.

Gervais, the 72 already fitted with RSL board with remote control function.

OzBrit, yes..thanks for the advise. On long hours testing yesterday with quite loud volume, it only luke warm but will keep monitor this.

GordonM, the hicap already fitted FWB2 and TPR4. I did the Mr Tibbs split earth mod 1.5 years ago, but now back to original configuration. When fitted to naim 140 box, I didn't adjust the DC bias as Gavin said no need to do that. But this time I did it just to satisfy myself. Without adjustment the DC offset was 11mV which is fine.:)

Mike, I have used similar type of switch for more than 5 years. So far no issue, but sometimes the quality for Aliexpress components are not consistent. Thanks for your comment about the bass.

Thanks Turbo and Chiily.

