
Musical quotes

Inspired by the recent 'misheard lyrics' thread I thought I would start one off...quotes have always facinated me (Churchill said " it is beneficial for an uneducated man to read the quotations of the great and the good"...mind you he also said upon being prompted that his flies were undone "The dead chick does not fly the nest")...

So your starter for 10 I'll get you going with 3 of my favourites...

On being asked whether The Fall were still the same band after so many firings and hirings over the years the incomparable Mark.E.Smith replied..

"Listen mate, if its me and your granny on bongo's its The Fall, alright?"

On being asked to supply a quotation for the dust jacket of the posthoumous publication of Kurt Cobains diaries Mark 'E' Everett of Eels supplied the following: -

"Please don't do this to me after I kill myself."...needless to say the decided not to use this one.

and my favourite from Tom Waits (who is a font of such things) on being asked whether he followed any special regimes to protect his voice replied: -

"Protect it from what? vandals?"

seagullsnacker said:
Inspired by the recent 'misheard lyrics' thread I thought I would start one off...quotes have always facinated me (Churchill said " it is beneficial for an uneducated man to read the quotations of the great and the good"...mind you he also said upon being prompted that his flies were undone "The dead chick does not fly the nest")...

So your starter for 10 I'll get you going with 3 of my favourites...

For musical quotes, safe bets are with Sir Thomas Beecham for classical music, and Ian McCullough for rock/pop.

3 of my faves from the latter:

'People are always going on about how many great groups come from Manchester. Lest we forget, this was also the city that gave us Freddie and the Dreamers'

[Boy George]'He's a fat poof. A spot of National Service would do him good'.

[On the difference between having a human drummer rather than drum machine] 'The drum machine smoked less dope and had a better sense of humour'.

