
Multi regs....DIY HiCap


pfm Member
Given the expertise that is flying around on this site I wondered if anyone could give me an idea what the the most sensible approach should be to building a HiCap clone:

Specifically: I have an 82 pre. Taking a look inside the power supply connections are routed to 10 or so points internally. Is there any merit to building a clone supply with a single transformer and cap then sticking in 10 or so 'super regs' to power each point individually...rather than just the two to emulate a hi-cap? Or would I be better off with two transformers with two regulators in each a-la hicaps?

Similarly I have been given a SNAXO. This has the giant blanking plug at the back. Believe this allows supercap connection -I presume this contains a single transformer with multiple (i.e > 2 regulated 24 volt supplies.....) [n.b. -can you buy these multi-way connectors easily from anywhere.......?]

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated....

thanks, Neale

Yes, you can build a HI-Cap clone (I've just built a 4 supply hi-cap clone and works very well) I used an ILP 500va transformer with 2 35volt secondary supplies, I only used one 35v secondary supply through a rectifier, then 2 15000uf caps and 4 Avondale 317TPR boards.

The Burndy chassis sockets 19 way are available from RS Stock No. 220-2876 £3.56 + vat, you would also need the socket pins sold in 10's No. 398-8032 these are £1.50+vat.


I've built a dual hicap replacement for my 82 using 2 torrids (each 4 secondary windings, arranged as 2 centre tapped secondaries), 4 schottky half bridges, 4 caps and 4 of ALWs Superreg boards.

The results are better than the 2 hicaps it replaced.

Transformers, caps and bridges came from Les, Superregs from you-know-who, and the case from RS. Biggest problems were fitting it all in and drilling the case.

I imagine the internal superreg approach would work really well, but is a) more expensive and b) less reversable. If you went that route you could feed the whole lot with an external single, one stage regulated, psu.
Thanks for replies.

Clearly two slightly different options (half wave & full wave rectification). I must admit dont want to make any (irreversible) changes to 82 & there isnt much room inside..... maybe try running 8 regulated supplies in and re-jig the wiring of existing DIN sockets.

Just received 3 of

to experiment with. Looks like a 400-500VA transformer and just enough voltage to run full wave ..... the cases are OK (or will be after a repray and ideally I will replace back panel (should be easy as it's just a rectangular sheet....).

There may just be enough case space to put 2 trans in one box....

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