
moth rcm question


pfm Member
Hi knowledgeable Fishes,

i tecently bought a tired old moth record cleaning machine.

After a little TLC, i tried it and it works very well.

Where does the fluid go (!!) And, does it need emptying after use? If so; how?

Thanks in advance

The fluid is collected in a tank inside the machine, there should be a tap on the front to drain it. However the amount of fluid sucked in is tiny and the flow of air large so it all evaporates. I've never managed to extract any from the tap but I never do more than 2 or 3 records at a time, perhaps if you do dozens at once it may collect enough to flow out.
Out of interest the inside of the machine consists of three chambers. The centre one houses the motor and vacuum pump. The pump draws a partial vacuum in the right hand chamber which contains the tank. The tank has a set of holes on one side (or the top, can't quite remember) and the fluid suction pipe on the other. The vacuum draws fluid down the pipe and it drops in the tank while the air is drawn through and expelled through a grille at the back. The motor and vacuum pump are a combined unit presumably designed for a vacuum cleaner hence it being so loud! I built mine from the kit 7 or 8 years ago.
Built mine too. I made it out of thicker board, to make it a bit quieter, but then this messed up all the sizes for the internal panels. Great machines! I once cleaned 100 LPs in one go. Talk about losing the will to live...Even then, I only got a tiny trickle out of the tap. You'll get nowt out with only a few albums.
WHEN I OWNED ONE ( said it loud just in case you were using it )
I used a generous amount of cleaning fluid and swished it around in both directions
After cleaning say 10 LP's I would open the tap over the sink and tip out the old fluid ,
Skimp with the fluid = not a lot to empty
Generous with the fluid = Empty it out
After 17 years of service, I treated my ears to a much quieter RCM. My Moth is now 25+ years old and still being used by the person I gave it to.

In 17 years, I must have emptied the waste fluid 3 times at most.
I had a Moth RCM MK 2 years ago, I cleaned lots of records, up to 50 in a session, IIRC only emptied it once prior to selling and had to tip it up, there was very little liquid.
I used a generous amount of cleaning fluid and swished it around in both directions
After cleaning say 10 LP's I would open the tap over the sink and tip out the old fluid ,
Skimp with the fluid = not a lot to empty
Generous with the fluid = Empty it out

I use a syringe to apply the cleaning fluid, just for convenience. More than about 2-3ml per side and there is fluid EVERYWHERE, including the label. (The first LP to be done in a session takes 5-6ml on the first side as the brush holds 3ml or so.)

I tried emptying it a couple of times when I first got it and did maybe 20-30 sides in one session, not since. I very rarely do more than 10-12-14 sides at a time these days...…. which reminds me...…………..3 LPs waiting...…………..

I do let the things soak for up to several minutes before flipping to vacuum them - I am in no hurry when cleaning records.
I use a pipette to apply the cleaning fluid, about 2.5ml per side seems adequate, then maybe on the 7th or 8th side the brush is actually holding enough, though I'm now wondering should I rinse the brush?
I use a syringe to apply the cleaning fluid, just for convenience. More than about 2-3ml per side and there is fluid EVERYWHERE, including the label. (The first LP to be done in a session takes 5-6ml on the first side as the brush holds 3ml or so.)

I tried emptying it a couple of times when I first got it and did maybe 20-30 sides in one session, not since. I very rarely do more than 10-12-14 sides at a time these days...…. which reminds me...…………..3 LPs waiting...…………..

I do let the things soak for up to several minutes before flipping to vacuum them - I am in no hurry when cleaning records.

Exactly as Vinny here on the syringe and soaking front. After the first LP I find 3.5mm to be the sweet spot for an average length side. And a bit of tape on one syringe reminds me it's for cleaning fluid not water.

