
Modders unite! Group buy of Elna Silmic 2 and transistors - update


Bodging pleb
Hello all. I'm now in a position to leap into the unknown and go for this group buy of Elna Silmic capacitors, if people are still up for it.
Original thread

Just as a reminder, we're looking at getting a bunch of Elna Silmic2 47uF 50V caps, for replacing the red "can" caps on Naim preamp boards. This is all in the light of this thread (get thee an Elna Silmic), amongst other comments.

Andy W has kindly pursued the prices he was quoted a while ago, but the price has doubled (ouch). However, I have found another source, which isn't quote as cheap as first hoped, but will allow a price of around 80p per cap to be achieved. This compared with £1.50 plus from Audiocom for the Silmic 1. Downside is a 12 week lead time :(

So if anyone still hasn't said they want some, now is the time. If I can get a greater commitment now, then I can hopefully get the price down lower. I've set it at a decent amount lower than anywhere else, and if I do get above the break even point (which I certainly hope I do!!), then the profits will go to the PFM coffers - I hope that's OK, Tony? Seems the fairest thing to do.

Oh, I also have the 2sc3329 transistors here now - these have worked out at £0.21 each inc postage in the UK (this at cost again - Borbely Audio are charging 2.30 Euros for these chaps). I've held back from sending them out to those who've expressed an interest, but we can get going if you guys want them. There are still a few spare! Just as a reminder, these are suggested/offered as an alternative to the now discontinued 2sd786 that Les recommends. Chiily is hunting down a decent price for the complementary 2sb737s - we're still at 70p each at the moment though - thankfully fewer are needed.

I'm also considering buying of a load of the Vishay/Dale resistors Andy W suggests - I've heard from a couple of people that using these in the 15R position in the phono boards is reaping benefits. I need to go through and work out a set of values needed though.

Anyone wanting to express an interest - take a visit here.

If anyone wants to do a bulk purchace of IC's such as the AD8065, I now have a direct account with Analogue Devices and the dollar is prety weak right now!


I did have a go at placing an order on your site,
...but I dont think it likes me :(

For reference, I'm up for say 10 of the 47uF silmics.


Hi Jiim, sorry it didn't like you - nothing personal I assure you - probably 'cos it's a lash up job. Can you mail me with the error message you get, or just with your details?

richard at hallman dot co dot uk
Hi Richard

Just a suggestion..perhaps in your order form, you could put how many of each component we typically might need for a line stage pair, MC phono card pair, MM phono card pair and so on.....

That would save most (each!) of us having to find a circuit diagram and working out which trannies are NPN and PNP and count how many there are, how many silmics can be used on the phono boards etc etc.

Anyway...I sure do appreciate all your efforts in organising this!

I shall be ordering from you..once I work out all the above!


Good idea Mark, though I only have the 32.5 to work from, I'm sure the generic 42.5 diag on Neil McB's site will help for comparison purposes.

I'll try and do it over the weekend - some of you guys may want to revise your orders down, but I'm sure you all want spares anyway, don't you..... ;)

if posting to Germany is not a problem, I would take 16 of them; I would pay for the P&P of course. I am also looking for the SP type OSCONS for the decoupling, if anybody knows a supplier I'd be grateful :)

Best regards,

CPC are the cheapest I have found for OS-CON's. They are cheaper than Farnell which is odd concidering CPC is part of the Farnell group :confused:

Still expensive though:(

CPC are the cheapest I have found for OS-CON's. They are cheaper than Farnell which is odd concidering CPC is part of the Farnell group

There's lots of examples like this, where CPC are cheaper than Farnell for the same items.

The PPS caps are better priced there, as were some of the Wima films.

Interestingly CPC though don't appear to have updated their image as part of the FarnellinOne brand, which includes various other suppliers, like Newark in the US.

I suspect CPC's core business is to the Audio / Visual Service trade, with spares for consumer electronics.

Hi Andrew,

I think that image may just be about to change. I have had several e-mails from CPC, as a regular online customer, asking me to trial their new website before it goes live later this month. (I must confess I've been too busy to take them up on it though)


thanks! Unfortunately they don't have any information on their site concerning exports; so somebody will have to reply to my email (if they are willing to export, that is ;) )

Best regards,


As far as I know CPC will export, but if you are having problems please e-mail me and I will see if I can help.

Hey Richard, if these can be used on my 323/3 boards then sign me up for as many as i need :)


Adam - yup - I'll sort out a bundle for you when the time comes.

Coredump - I'm more than happy to get some stuff from CPC for you and send them over along with the Silmics etc.

Looks like there's enough interest in this for it to be worth a pop - at least there's enough initial interest for me not to be too much out of pocket, and I'm sure more requests will come out of the woodwork. I'll try and get the gears in motion today. Shame about the 12 week lead time...


EDIT - this popped into my demented mind just now - an amended thread title:

"Modders unite! You have nothing to lose but your Naims"

...As Mr Parry might say....
Richard, linedriver

muchas gracias for your kind offers! I reckon it will be best to give CPC a chance to answer my email first. Maybe it's all fluffy bunnies with them ;)

Best regards,

Any news on when this order might go ahead.......just so I can plan my next stage of mods.
Hi Jo - I've been cogitating this for a while now. We're probably near 400 now, as I know AndyW wants 100 or so. I think I'm going to go for it, although I'll be out of pocket initially, I'm sure other people will pop out of the woodwork once the caps are here. I'm hoping to keep the cap price down to under 80p each.

As far as the transistors are concerned, I have the 2SC3329s in my sweaty little hands. Chiily has been poking around for suppliers of the 2SB737s, but hasn't had much joy getting the price below 70p per transistor. I thought I'd found a supplier at 20p each yesterday, but they don't have any. I've just made a few more enquiries.

