
missing my bricks, isn't music a funny old thing


pfm Member

Recent reorganisation of my storage has led to me revisiting some albums that I had almost forgotten.
some years ago I replaced my active bricks with Meridian D600's in the living room and a pair of audiostatic electrostatics in my dining room. the theory being one system for rock and one for arty farty stuff.

so today I was doing some organ works
Cantate domino a rega recording
J.S.Bach Toccata & fugue in D minor
Strauss Also sprach

confirmed to me that neither of my systems come close on those lower organ stops to the bricks. I was missing my bricks but let Strauss run ito the second movement where the massed strings soar away and was struck by wave after wave of goosebumps. As a past player of violin and viola in a county orchestra I had never thought of my recording as being particularly faithful with these instruments but that had all changed, the string tones and quality of these viola's simply blew me away, it was if i was playing.

which all goes to prove that all systems have compromises but if you are getting goosebumps then you are doing something right.


Recent reorganisation of my storage has led to me revisiting some albums that I had almost forgotten.
some years ago I replaced my active bricks with Meridian D600's in the living room and a pair of audiostatic electrostatics in my dining room. the theory being one system for rock and one for arty farty stuff.

so today I was doing some organ works
Cantate domino a rega recording
J.S.Bach Toccata & fugue in D minor
Strauss Also sprach

confirmed to me that neither of my systems come close on those lower organ stops to the bricks. I was missing my bricks but let Strauss run ito the second movement where the massed strings soar away and was struck by wave after wave of goosebumps. As a past player of violin and viola in a county orchestra I had never thought of my recording as being particularly faithful with these instruments but that had all changed, the string tones and quality of these viola's simply blew me away, it was if i was playing.

which all goes to prove that all systems have compromises but if you are getting goosebumps then you are doing something right.


Or you need to turn the heating up a bit:)

I don't really miss my bricks but then they sounded bass shy in my room (if you can believe that!) Other speakers including my current Shahinian Arcs have the opposite problem - same position, same room.

