
minimum boards required in stripped 32.5?


not so flat member

just downgraded from NAC82/Hi to 32.5/Hi to set money free for going CDX/XPS -> CDS2/XPS. im experimenting now with my 32.5 by pulling some boards. the phonos are out, line-throughs are out, just a pair of 324 tape-buffers, 321 and 325 left. now i use the tuner-input for my CDP.

can i strip more?
some hints to imrove it even more?

Hello Bernie,

Because nobody has replied i will offer my limited advice.

1: Bypass the balance control.
2: Fit a new volume control eg: Panasonic, or better still a stepped attenuator, DACT make one but it's very expensive.

Also Neil mcbride's diy pages are worth a read:

Neil Mcbride

Just to prove that Glos is the fount of all knowledge, I will also reply. I got mine down to two boards. Just the two 321 boards, each powered by an APX module ( from Les) That sounded quite good. But I now have a complete DACT Pre, with phono modules which is pretty damn good.

hi pepperoni.

how did you do that? there is some soldering done? when i take out all my 324 boards the 32.5 becomes dead silent :-( can i also remove the 325?

please help....


thank you. this PFM guide inspired me to start experimenting. but i want to reach the absolute minimum of boards...and may be the ultimate sonic improvement...

Hi Bernie. To remove the 324 boards (which i presume are sitting in front of your 321s) you need to connect the second from the top pin to the very bottom pin with a wire link. This works and sounds ok to me, but not being electronically clued up don't take my word for it :)
do i also have to bypass them with wire?

will it affect the sound to the good?

pls help. my soldering iron is warming up...someone tried the 321mod of Les which can be found on the avondale-page?

Yes, I have. I currently have two pairs of the 321 boards, so was able to do an A/B on the pre and post mod sound. Slightly unfair as the unmodded boards look to be slightly later versions (though they are both 321/5) - they have dark blue caps in place of the usual red tants - the same as the 729 boards I have in there too. I think the previous owner of the amp must have done the 729 upgrade and had the 321 boards upgraded at the same time.

However, I'd say it cleans things up a bit, though I must admit I've not spent much time comparing the differences yet. Bit more dynamics, no loss of the good stuff. Typical Avondale mod :D

