
Michael Jackson Comeback

I don't believe Hitler personally gassed any Jews, so by your argument he is therefore less loathsome than those that did...
Oh, was Pete Townshend the head of a paedophile ring ? I didn't know that.

I take it you are a Who/Pete Townshend fan then and somehow feel the need to be an apologist for him?

He was convicted of paying a membership to a paedophile ring, based in the US, which made and disseminated the most appalling pictures of children to it's paying members, of which he was one. In essence, he has been found guilty in this country of exactly the same crime as Gary Glitter was and, like Glitter, has been forced to sign the Sex offenders register as he is considered a danger to Children.

My original point was that there seems to be a somewhat hypocritical stance taken on Townshend when compared to Glitter and Jackson , something that I feel has been made evident in some of the postings here.
I take it you are a Who/Pete Townshend fan then and somehow feel the need to be an apologist for him?
Nope. I am indeed a great fan of Pete Townshend's rhythm guitar playing, I suspect I am not alone in that but this has not the slightest thing to do with the matter anyway.

My somewhat sarcastic comment was intended to highlight the somewhat shaky nature of the comparison you made between Townshend and Hitler. These two people didn't exactly play the same kind of role in their misdeeds. Hitler was the main organizer of the killings. Townshend, in turn, by paying a membership fee, did indeed contribute to such films being produced, and it's all right - and necessary - that he had to sign the Sex offenders register. But the contribution of the guys who actually filmed the scenes is far greater. There bloody is a difference.

Now please don't tell me I am an advocate of Townshend.
The whole comeback thing looks desperately like an opportunistic avoidance of bankruptcy by MJ; accusations of which have been at least as thick as those of child-related unpleasantness.

Sadly the IRS probably has rather greater power to determine a truth than civil justice... whatver the imperatives.
Whilst agreeing with the sentiments of most people regarding Michael Jackson (I wouldn't let a child near him) I do find it interesting that people revile him and Gary Glitter but Pete Townsend, a convicted Pedophile like Glitter, seems to have been "rehabilitated".

Personally, I can no longer listen to any Who record without a sense of loathing and disgust for the man...
Glitter is not rehabilitated.
But I do accept Townsend's story.
Buying a newspaper with a picture of a dead person does not make you a murderer.
OK how about some comments on his music now?? otherwise this thread ought to be in another section...........
Off The Wall - a classic album. Trouble is, it's impossible to see the old videos or hear the songs and not think of everything else.

Thriller - not as good, three or four big songs, now sounds dated. Trouble is, it's impossible to see the old videos or hear the songs and not think of everything else.

Forget the rest.

Incidentally, I said while watching the press conference on the news that it wasn't him, though I have recently read this story in a book on Kraftwerk:

"Ralf told me that he went to see him in New York, in a private building which he totally owns, and the thing that Ralf told me which is really extraordinary, is that Michael Jackson had clones in the building, he saw three or four guys, and each time he thought it was Michael Jackson, in fact they were fakes. These guys go out in cars, and nobody knows where the real one is."

Kiss my bad self. There's four of him.
Now that's a good story, I like the Kraftwerk edge.

I know a couple of pedophile victims who believe Townsend got away with it because of his celebrity.

I personally accept Townshend's story, but I also accept that I want to believe it. If he really was found to be paedophile, then I'd have a real problem with him.

OTOH, I'm not entirely convinced that MJ is either. I think what he's done could be seen to be of a sexual nature, but I think more likely he is completely asexual, like Patrick Moore. :) I think maybe Hollywood kids are more streetwise than MJ and have simply spotted an easy blackmail victim.
Theres a big difference between looking at something you shouldnt do (which is still illegal) and handing over your credit card number to do so. Townshend has a strong moral streak in his work which I'd have trouble squaring with a predilecation towards anything like this.

That said, as Nessa says in "Gavin and Stacey"... "At the end of the day, Pete, where's the book? That's all I'm sayin'..."

As to MJ - I think he's mentally ill, a bizarre upbringing as a child star with way too much money and no good parental mentoring to allow him to grow up right. What he did or didn't do depending on what you believe was probably not intentionally evil IMHO. Again though, supposedly subjected to a lot of abuse (phyiscal) as a child which science says drives abusers.
Weird how fans of Townsend can so easily turn to comments about his musical talents but so many of you find it impossible to do the same for MJ. I feel MJ has made more impact in the field of music than Townsend (and for longer). Brilliantly talented as a kid on Motown and a fantastic dance performer later. Probabaly well past it now but I'd gladly see him if I could get a ticket
Michael Jackson did have exceptional talent and I was a fan of his in my teens - nowadays it so happens that I just prefer proper rock music to girlie pop.
The Who were a band that I grew up sort of half liking, but I always thought they were not quite there, but now I think otherwise and get it, finally. Quadraphenia is monumental for me.
MJ was never more than lightweight pop to me and his music never appealed to me at all.
However, regarding the bloke, I think he is one of the few cases that is genuinely misunderstood. I don't believe there is anything remotely bad about about him and his main failing is naivety, and if there is a crime, its that no-one has been there for him to give him any insight into a normal lifestyle. He must be extremely lonely.
When the Townsend trial was on, i was sickened by all the character witnesses bleating about how good he was, he is a convicted peadophile and should have felt the full weight of the law, not the joke of a sentence he received.

