
Meteors or alien invasion?


pfm Member
Thats 2 within a short period and they seem to be targeting the south west? Exterminate or welcome with cream teas scones etc? This could see the reemergence of smash potatoe in my opinion. Latest one to infiltrate was during daylight which shows they're not shy.
Hopefully we're thoroughly prepared for both now we've seen the devastation caused by previous unpredictable unknowns.
Meteors. An invasion would start with antimatter rocks.

Its still a mystery of where all the antimatter created in the Big Bang is hiding,


And i have just been investigating ox meat mmm? Always thought it was a big ginger long haired beast.
Well they say bad news comes in threes; Brexit, Covid, alien invasion?

Although of course it could be a pleasant invasion, they might bring interesting new cuisine or whatever.
I think it’s a warning saying don’t send any more Chuck Berry tunes into outer space.
Originally there were thought to be 3 possibilities a) steady state and that was considered at the time to be the most likely b) continued expansion but gradually slowing due to gravity and c) a big crunch when the expansion of b) stopped and gravity took hold and everything collapsed back to where it started in a Big Crunch! This lead to a 4th possibility that there would be another big bang and thus we'd have an oscillating Universe.

However the truth appears as ever to be stranger still. The Universe is not only expanding but the rate is accelerating! That is if we haven't screwed up our thinking.

I remember discussing this with Professor Joseph Silk after he gave a talk at our local astronomy club. One of my questions went thus - if the rate of the expansion of the Universe keeps on accelerating there must come a time when the fabric of space-time is stretched so thinly that it is unable to hold the Universe together. What do you think will happen? His answer - don't know but could revert to pure energy! Wow! Imagine. God threw down a bolt of pure energy that created the single super string with the enormous mass-energy that exploded to form the Universe and after a while that same Universe goes in a flash back to pure energy! I use the word God here as the 'creator of Heaven and Earth' and we have no idea what God is.



