
"Me and my Monkey" - Robbie Williams ?

Now Mr. Wu, he's got a naughty eye that flickers.
You ought to see it wobble when he's ironing... ladies blouses.
Mr. Wu, what shall I do, I'm feeling kind of Limehouse Chinese Laundry Blues.
Now Mr. Wu, he's got a laundry kind of tricky,
He'll starch my shirts and collars but he'll never touch my.... waistcoat
Mr. Wu, what shall I do, I'm feeling kind of Limehouse Chinese Laundry Blues.

Beat that.... Robbie
He packed a mean punch though.

yeah...i got one of his health grills.

I love this song, used to take it to hifi demos, and the dealers would ask "who's this, it's a good song" and then looked confused, "really!", when told it was robbie williams


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