
Maplin cheap temp controlled soldering iron again

You beat me to it, RichardH - I got one of these at £9.99 last time around and am very pleased with it for the cash. Worth spending the extra fiver for a packet of extra bits for it, too, IMO.

Off topic, but I noticed in the latest Maplin offers catalogue that they have a butane gas torch which runs from a disposable lighter for only £4.99 - would these, does anyone know, be suitable for heatshrinking purposes?

I'd guess so, as long as you kept it well clear - probably too hot, truth be told. I have a mate who uses one to light his fags, but he can also cut through drinks cans with it (!!)
Cheers for the advice, Richard. I think I'll stick to the hairdryer at the moment, then, as I don't want to chop through the plugs on my newly constructed interconnects.
I've got one of these. Very nice, but the soldering bit does tend to work itself a little loose by the end of a typical hot and sweaty solder workout.
my iron has just packed up.
I guess it's down to Maplins in the morning.

Anybody with Avondale VBE board tell if 0.6 watt resistors are ok.
I've just had two let go for the second time.

Is that the SMD resistors underneath, John? I may have some spare 1W chappies if so.

As far as the "normal ones" on top, the image on Les's site look like normal 0.5W type.
hi Richard,
The ones that seem to be going are 3K0 on top R3, R7
This the second time. On Les's site they seem to have changed to 2K0.
Another thing I notice is that they work without the fuses in, very puzzleing unless it's some fancy fuseing arrangement.

Not got mine completed yet, so can't say re fuses.

By let go, you mean they got so hot they melted the solder, or that they went to the great parts bin in the sky?

IF you don't have any 2K resistors to hand, let me know and I'll pop some up to you - I have some spare.


EDIT - John - have you got the resistors lifted from the board at all - I notice Les does on the image on his site - I'd imagine that helps dissipate heat....
hi Richard,
last time they went they scorched the board.
They are clear of the board this time but my meter says a big fat zero.
I'll put the 3K in, thanks, as it will then stay the same as my other board.
Are you missing any parts for yours as I have spare samples from my order if it will get yours completed.

hi Richard,
would you please post your findings when they are ready.

A bit like me then, I ordered 12 caps instead of 24 , for some reason I counted 6 on each board, how dumb was that.

I'm off to maplins now to aqquire a bargain iron (at my local, they have 100's) then I can see just what the damage is.


