
Mac Laptop but not a laptop question.


pfm Member
OK chaps Im typing this message on an old macbook pro sitting on the arm of my sofa. Its needs to be replaced but I don't really need another laptop, all I need is a Mini mac on the floor and the integrated monitor and keyboard on my sofa arm, Does such a thing exist? in the old dsays we'd call it a dumb terminal in a laptop format i guess?
For the love of god why?

Just get another laptop specifically for which your requirements they have been designed for.
What are you using the laptop for, does it have to be a mac laptop? iPad? Not apple laptop?

You honestly want a mini on the floor and an old server terminal or what ever on your sofa to save like a hundy?
the integrated monitor and keyboard on my sofa arm, Does such a thing exist? in the old dsays we'd call it a dumb terminal in a laptop format i guess?
cheap old iMac - they can build it all into the screen these days!

Or an ipad for same thing, tiny format, clamp it to something like an anglepoise; use a bluetooth keyboard with.

Or, just iPad!
OK chaps Im typing this message on an old macbook pro sitting on the arm of my sofa. Its needs to be replaced but I don't really need another laptop, all I need is a Mini mac on the floor and the integrated monitor and keyboard on my sofa arm, Does such a thing exist? in the old dsays we'd call it a dumb terminal in a laptop format i guess?

iPad + Mac mini?

I bought a Lenovo win ten pro laptop the other week for £85 delivered, I only need it for one specific programme so it was a no brainer it’s actually a really nice laptop albeit it’s about ten years old. I bought it from AV forums and there’s plenty of MBPs and WIN laptops on there for buttons there’s actually someone giving away a 2009 MBP.

I have a M1 MBA which is brilliant but I mainly use an 11” IPad Pro M1.
If the primary use is internet browsing and other basic tasks I’d highly recommend trying an iPad/tablet. The overwhelming majority of my computer time is on an iPad, it is just the perfect form factor for the majority of my daily usage. In portrait mode it is website shaped. The aspect ratio of a laptop or desktop is just all wrong, plus they are so much bigger and more bulky. I still need a laptop for some stuff, but very little.
If the primary use is internet browsing and other basic tasks I’d highly recommend trying an iPad/tablet. The overwhelming majority of my computer time is on an iPad, it is just the perfect form factor for the majority of my daily usage. In portrait mode it is website shaped. The aspect ratio of a laptop or desktop is just all wrong, plus they are so much bigger and more bulky. I still need a laptop for some stuff, but very little.

Do you use a keyboard?
I really dislike typing on virtual/screen keyboards.
OK chaps Im typing this message on an old macbook pro sitting on the arm of my sofa. Its needs to be replaced but I don't really need another laptop, all I need is a Mini mac on the floor and the integrated monitor and keyboard on my sofa arm, Does such a thing exist? in the old dsays we'd call it a dumb terminal in a laptop format i guess?
Why do you say "Its needs to be replaced". If its because you need a more modern macOS then yes buy a Mac Mini that can run your preferred macOS and stick it anywhere suitable. You can then use your existing laptop as your 'dumb' terminal to access the new(er) macOS. I do this sort of thing all the time.

BTW the software to do this is already built into the Macs OS both old and new. Just tick a few boxes.

The assumption here is that you have WiFi available.

Why do you say "Its needs to be replaced". If its because you need a more modern macOS then yes buy a Mac Mini that can run your preferred macOS and stick it anywhere suitable. You can then use your existing laptop as your 'dumb' terminal to access the new(er) macOS. I do this sort of thing all the time.

BTW the software to do this is already built into the Macs OS both old and new. Just tick a few boxes.

The assumption here is that you have WiFi available.


That's what I do, I use a 2012 MacBook Pro for web surfing and to control my Mac mini M1 streamer.
Do you use a keyboard?
I really dislike typing on virtual/screen keyboards.

No, I use it as a tablet in portrait mode usually lying on a sofa like reading a book or whatever. I’ve become pretty skilled at screen typing, just one finger, but I’m fast. I only boot-up the MacBook for proper data entry, e.g. doing my accounts etc, and then I have an old IBM Model M keyboard hooked-up as I like the feel and numeric keypad. That said I’m so used to iPad screen typing now my ability to type ‘properly’ is declining.

Everything I write on pfm is typed either on the iPad, or iPhone if out and about. I haven’t written a post here with a proper keyboard for at least a decade now.

PS FWIW I have actually hooked up the Model M to the iPad (via various converters) and it does work, though it makes no sense as I have no iPad stand or anything. I just use the iPad StarTrek TNG-style or whatever. Just a tablet, no accessories.
That's what I do, I use a 2012 MacBook Pro for web surfing and to control my Mac mini M1 streamer.
Its a really flexible solution that I've used for more than a decade. I can access my Mac Mini(s) from my Macs, iPads and PC/laptops running Windows and Linux.

OK thanks for all the answers, it looks as if a new laptop is the best answer.
Just to answer a couple of questions. I need to upgrade as some software I use wont run on Catalina, which is the highest supported version for the Laptop. ( i know I can try to frig an upgrade to Big Sur).
An Ipad is not an option as I also run FCP and will put VM's on the new machine, so a proper keyboard is a must.
I know my original request sounds a bit silly but trust me with the layout of the lounge ( and wide flat sofa arms) it would work.
Assuming FCP is Final Cut Pro I’d just buy a new(er) MacBook, or maybe look at the iPad version. FWIW I’m the same, I’m software/ecosystem-locked to Logic Pro, I don’t use it much at all, but I’d not want to not have it. It is one reason I have a MBP rather than a cheaper Linux laptop.

Another option might be a Mini connected to the TV assuming you have a decent one in the room. I figured out with the right screen resolution I could use a computer connected to my 50” 4K TV from the sofa easy enough, but it just doesn’t fit with my workflow at all (as stated I use an iPad almost all of the time).

I doubt that you’ll find anything more suited to your needs than a newer MacBook of some description. Using a Mini and a less good laptop, netbook or whatever for remote access just sounds like hassle and frustration to me. The only other contender is an iPad, which has a version of FCP (subscription I think), but that form factor may not suit your requirements anywhere near as well as it does mine.

PS I noticed the iPad version of Logic is on a subscription, so they can keep that. I’m not paying a monthly fee for something I’ve already paid for!

