
LP12 motor thrust bearing

Mat Bon 0013

the Original
I have been told that these things are serviceable!
Does anybody know how to go about?
Where can I get parts for them?

Hello Mark, Yes I jumped the Roksan Xerxes ship and now out of the frying pan and into the fire so to speak.

Hi Craig, The motor would make a 2 second noise every 20-30 revolution or so, only when it is loaded. The guy that serviced the deck for me pointed out this is the problem and said it is serviceable. He also said it is due to the spring in the assembly loosing its tension.
The problem now is finding the parts, the nearest and only Linn dealer would sell it only if I buy the whole Motor assembly. :(
I have seen some modified ones on eBay with a centre allen bolt adjuster, are these any good?
Hi Craig,

Yes we did run the platter upsidedown and loaded the platter with some weights to simulate a record and a felt mat. The sound made is a slight scrapy sound albeit you can hear it only if you have your ear close to the motor. Belt tension is constantly monitored and in place.

Is it worthwhile getting a new motor or replace the thrust breaing assembly with a modified one?

Is it worthwhile getting a new motor or replace the thrust breaing assembly with a modified one?

What PSU are you using? Linn recommend removing the spring / ball type thrust thingie completely when fitting a Lingo (and I assume a Geddon), but I don't know why...

My LP12's motor is a quite recent one with the flat thrust plate so I have just left well alone. It is certainly very quiet with the DIY Geddon, I can't hear it.

Originally posted by Mat Bon 0013
Hi Tony,
I still have the Valhalla fitted on the LP12, any external PSU would only be considered in the future ;)


Mat Bon,

It may be that your bearing spring is old and loose and the plastic ball gets on side track for awhile, turns around few times and then goes back in place again.

If this has happened for some time, you might find a worn plastic bearing ball when you open the cap under the motor.

I have spares, new cap,spring and the ball.
Do not remember pricing but putting, say, 15 quit into my
PayPal account I would send you a set incl the postage from Finland.

It is safe to open the cap and look what you find as you can easily re-fit the cap back in place.

With the new set I could pack a little dark Molykote grapphite grease which Linn uses after I will dig up the can. I have somewhere a 1 kg container of the grease.



