
Looking For The Exposure 3510 CD Player is Like Looking For “Bigfoot”!


Back in March Exposure made the announcement they were coming out with a fantastic new cd player the 3510.When I asked them about any upcoming professional reviews they told me none were in process .I have only heard the slightest of mention someone here seen one in a store in the UK.Here we are almost in July and nearly all mention of it has gone from the internet yet it’s still on the Exposure website.So I ask what is the point -exactly to come out with a player that no one can really read a review on let alone get ? It’s like searching for “Bigfoot” or “The Lockness Monster” (for those of you in the UK)-lol!
I heard the 3510CD a couple of months ago, it was a unit owned by Exposure ,not the dealer's, doing the rounds.

I liked it a lot and enquired on availability and couldn't get an answer on the day even though I wanted to buy one.

Since then three dealers haven't been able to give me a fixed availabilty date and they also haven't received their own dem units yet.

From what I understand Exposure took a lot of pre-orders at the 2023 shows from Bristol etc and still haven't satisfied these orders let alone moved on to the 2024 orders.
Exposure have also had a big push with new non-UK dealer network in 2024 with extra new orders from these dealers on top of existing dealers!

What is a concern is that one of the new dealers for 2024 posted that the 3510CD player is only a special for this year and can only be purchased this year!

I am hoping for an update from any of the dealers I am in contact with by mid July.

