
Linn Sneaky Connection


pfm Member
Hopefully this will make sense to somebody!!
Here goes..... Sneaky is wired to Virgin media wireless super hub, on the back of the super hub where the sneaky is plugged in there is a flashing amber light.
Using a laptop, 50% of the time doesn't find the sneaky unless you turn it all off and on, when it does, you are able to play music but the sneaky doesn't appear through konfig.
Is this to do with the hub using a different operating channel each you turn it on?
Please advice as it is becoming quite frustrating!
Thank you.
I use a Virgin Media (not-so) Superhub. It was a complete pain in the neck in terms of dropouts etc with the streamers we use in the house. The streamerplugged directly into the hub (an NDS) would regularly drop off the network. The solution was simple, stick in a switch between the Superhub and the streamer. I have had no issues since. (And before the anti-Naim brigade wades in, we had the same issues with a Cambridge Audio NP30 we bought for our eldest and with a Marantz streamer we were trying as a competing alternative. The Superhub is a piece of......
I noticed a slight improvement in sound quality when I added a network switch and they're not expensive. Its tempting to use the other ethernet sockets on the switch for other non-music streaming items, but it seems to work/sound best if you keep the switch for music streaming only, but if you do decide to buy a switch, its free and easy to experiment.

