
Kidney stones

Best of luck, at least they should be fairly quiet

They shot me up with a painkiller specific to stones I think - certainly remember the pain shifting and feeling a massive amount of relief for a while
It's very painful apparently. I think the painkiller is some sort of synthetic opiod drug that doesn't so much stop the pain as make you no longer give a toss about it. (Source - a dentist friend). The body requires rising doses of opiods, part of the reason for them being so addictive and dangerous, and they are of course very tightly controlled. If you only need a couple of doses under medical supervision they are great, I can report that morphine is a great drug. I don't want any more though.

Good luck.
Just waiting to be released onto a unsuspecting world;-)

Feeling a lot better now.

Gall stones are worse.

I get them with some regularity, and they are not fun at all. If you do pass it, hopefully you can catch it and find out what the make up of the stone is. There can be meds and diet to prevent them, in my case, none of that works very well, and I still get them.

The position of the stone really determines a lot of the pain side of things. It basically just backs the urine up and puts pressure on everything. Not fun. Kind of a twisted thing really, as you need plenty of fluids to help push things through, yet it makes that pressure build/backup too. Hopefully you will pass it without too much pain and difficulty.

I have also had gall stones, and I would say they are different types of pain, but would put the kidney stones as worse in my overall opinion. Neither are fun, period. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Drat! I was hoping they would have devised some simple (relatively) pain free procedure by now, before I get some.
They can do it by means of lithotripsy, basically shock wave them into smaller particles. But it cannot be done in every case. Otherwise if you cannot pass it, a nice little basket like device can be used, again, that depends on where the stone is located. A fun procedure there too. Not.
I had it once.I cried like a baby. When I got to hospital it had all but passed.I remember pressing my face to the window of the car whilst my wife drove me to the hospital. She even had to stop at the nursery to drop my little on off.I nearly divorced her.
Haha, yes, fun isn't it? My very first one, I think I created new finger holds in the dashboard of the car on the way to the hospital-and it wasn't even my car. For me it is a strange sensation to be doubled over in pain, yet wanting to run all at the same time. Morphine, yes, it made me feel quite good....for awhile. After two days in the hospital and not passing, I decided to head back home, as I was on a trip for work in another city/state. I endured the lovely pain of it all through the airport, then on a flight back to home. Walked into the house, took a piss, plink! Immediate relief! Damn it all!!!!
Try Chanca Piedra.I have had 5-6 episodes in the past and now use this as a preventative,touch wood, not had any for a few years since.Hope to hell it's not "famous last words"
Haha, yes, fun isn't it? My very first one, I think I created new finger holds in the dashboard of the car on the way to the hospital-and it wasn't even my car. For me it is a strange sensation to be doubled over in pain, yet wanting to run all at the same time. Morphine, yes, it made me feel quite good....for awhile. After two days in the hospital and not passing, I decided to head back home, as I was on a trip for work in another city/state. I endured the lovely pain of it all through the airport, then on a flight back to home. Walked into the house, took a piss, plink! Immediate relief! Damn it all!!!!
Needless to say I do everything I can to avoid that happening again. Some ladies often state that it’s like having a baby. I don’t believe them. I think that would be a joy ride compared to the kidney stone.
Drat! I was hoping they would have devised some simple (relatively) pain free procedure by now, before I get some.

Bart, if it is any consolation, many people have kidney stones, they just do not realize it, as the ones small enough to pass through, usually go undetected, obviously. I think my doctors say about one in ten have them! Of course there are several types, again the makeup due to diet, body chemisty etc.
Bart, if it is any consolation, many people have kidney stones, they just do not realize it, as the ones small enough to pass through, usually go undetected, obviously. I think my doctors say about one in ten have them! Of course there are several types, again the makeup due to diet, body chemisty etc.
just bothered about the ones I feel.
My sympathies Pete.

The pain is quite something from my experience.

I have witnessed more painful things, but not many.

