
issue with active Linn Kaber set-up

hi all,

Happy for many years with my active Linn Kaber speaker setup (powered by 3* LK100), but now I do have an issue.

The problem is that my left treble tweeter is making significant 'noise' (right is dead quiet, same for bass/midrange). The sound is there even when source and preamp are turned off/power cable disconnected.

My best guess is that it must be related to the LK100 amp. so I quess there are 2 options that's causing the issue: a) the amp or b) the aktiv card.

My working assumption is that its caused by option b) the aktiv card (but im not a electrical engineer so its a pure guess).
Question: Do you agree or do I miss something?

related to above: i'm planning to buy a treble activ card for Kaber. I have 2 questions here:
1) will a 'Keltic treble active card' also fit?
2) is there a 'left' and 'right' version of the treble aktiv card, or are they are both the same (thats what I assume)?

Looking forward to your thoughts on the matter, thanks!

PS: maybe obvious but when LK100 is powered off the hissing is gone
I’d swap the cards into a known good lk100 and test before you go any further.

an amp failure is far more likely than a card failure
I’d swap the cards into a known good lk100 and test before you go any further.

an amp failure is far more likely than a card failure


aha, good suggestion to swap with other LK100 and I didn't know that amp failure is far more likely. Another question pops up: what do you think to be more cost effective/less hassle, buy a 2nd hand LK100 amp or bring 'broken amp' in for repair?
The cards can and do fail, they are pretty reliable but so are LK100s, but all the components are pretty ancient now.

I can highly recommend and provide details for Kevin Green who will get your system back to full health and for very reasonable prices.
The cards can and do fail, they are pretty reliable but so are LK100s, but all the components are pretty ancient now.

I can highly recommend and provide details for Kevin Green who will get your system back to full health and for very reasonable prices.

Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I will first swap the cards to see if problem shifts to other channel. seems easy and will give indication I guess. agree?

PS: Im based in the Netherlands and repair in Netherlands seems most logical to me. I guess Kevin Green is not based in NL, correct?
PS2: actually hoping that the Lk100 is the cause of the issue, then I have a 'liget' reason to do an upgrade to a Klout amp, something I like to try out for a long time.

Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I will first swap the cards to see if problem shifts to other channel. seems easy and will give indication I guess. agree?

PS: Im based in the Netherlands and repair in Netherlands seems most logical to me. I guess Kevin Green is not based in NL, correct?
PS2: actually hoping that the Lk100 is the cause of the issue, then I have a 'liget' reason to do an upgrade to a Klout amp, something I like to try out for a long time.
That makes total sense, definitely swap the cards round. If it is the card it should be easy to ship… if it’s the amp, then it’s Klout time.:D
That makes total sense, definitely swap the cards round. If it is the card it should be easy to ship… if it’s the amp, then it’s Klout time.:D

thanks, I will keep you all posted on the progress. And thanks that you help me 'convince' that's its 'hopefully Klout time. I assume present active cards in Kaber will fit the Klout. correct?
An even simpler first test would be to swap the treble speaker cables at the amp end... To see if the noise swapped over... This would eliminate the tweeter in question.
Then move onto David's suggestion of swapping the cards to a known good amp.
An even simpler first test would be to swap the treble speaker cables at the amp end... To see if the noise swapped over... This would eliminate the tweeter in question.
Then move onto David's suggestion of swapping the cards to a known good amp.


yes thank you, I will do so!
If you pop the lid off the LK100 and disconnect the Aktiv card from the signal path you'll know whether it's the amp or card. It's the connector with three wires, it carries In, Out and Ground, the other two wire connector provides + and - volts.
I had a similar issue a couple of years back with my tri-activ Keilidh’s and the right hand hf board in an lk100, as the boards are mono I was able to swap them over to the other channel and the problem migrated to the left channel, sourced a replacement set of hf cards from another fellow fishie, and the problem has gone away, my lk100’s are 30 years old and are still performing well.
Don’t forget to get yourself some anti-static assembly gloves to avoid any issues when handling the cards.
I had a similar issue a couple of years back with my tri-activ Keilidh’s and the right hand hf board in an lk100, as the boards are mono I was able to swap them over to the other channel and the problem migrated to the left channel, sourced a replacement set of hf cards from another fellow fishie, and the problem has gone away, my lk100’s are 30 years old and are still performing well.
Don’t forget to get yourself some anti-static assembly gloves to avoid any issues when handling the cards.


thanks, this 'channel swapping' of the mono cards was indeed suggested before. thanks for reminding me getting some gloves, didn't think of that....
I fail to see what that would achieve.
Take the card out of circuit. Noise goes, it's the card, noise remains, it's the amp. All you have to do is pull the plug out of the socket. I think the connectors on the main board are spaced such that swapping may not be possible without removing the cards from the carrier. So simplest test possible.
Take the card out of circuit. Noise goes, it's the card, noise remains, it's the amp. All you have to do is pull the plug out of the socket. I think the connectors on the main board are spaced such that swapping may not be possible without removing the cards from the carrier. So simplest test possible.

just did your mentioned test:

a) I took out the connector with three wires (In, Out and Ground) of both cards (as I cant see which card is left or right, not 'filled in'' on top card)
b) I left the two wire connectors (+ and - volts) both in.

result: still noise on the left channel

conclusion: problem is the amp and not the card, all agree?

ps: based on the above test the assumption is that the issue cannot be caused by the 2 wire connectors (+ & - volts), correct?
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Yep, sound like it is indeed the amp. Shame you’re not in the UK because there are a few options for service here… an LK100 is quite heavy to ship overseas and brexit has added a layer of aggro and complexity. Maybe it is time for a Klout!
Yep, sound like it is indeed the amp. Shame you’re not in the UK because there are a few options for service here… an LK100 is quite heavy to ship overseas and brexit has added a layer of aggro and complexity. Maybe it is time for a Klout!

yep, shipping to UK and back will not work. I think I will go for a Klout. thanks all!!!
The Klout is a great idea.... But in your position, I would have a close look at the PCB and components, perhaps compare some simple resistances and capacitances of components... Compare across the two channels. There might be something very obvious. Consider safety first and remove all mains power and discharge the big capacitors before getting out the magnifier and the multimeter.

As a fun project I would replace all the electrolytic capacitors with similar or 'better'.... If you don't fancy it, I'm sure a local repairer would do it fairly cheaply.

