
Hey Tony, here's your next project ...

Markus S

41 - 29
Brilliant! I'd actually love to try one of those wooden Grado arms with a 103. Also interested in trying one of the vintage Gray damped arms at some point - they are allegedly quite special in the right context.

I love the Bose speakers underneath. Is that part of Tony's project, are they yours, Markus?
Is that yours? Looks like your Pierre Clement deck. It looks really cool - I've never heard any of the era or design of arm, they look really interesting. How would you describe the sound?

Hi Tony .yep its mine .................... to describe the sound .full on ,very forward great bass and even better treble, its damped with silcone oil very easy to use ............... i dont know how it would be in stereo , the PC deck is my mono system ,,,,, with GE rpx and VR2 cartridge and a denon 102 .......... great for 78s etc

