
Heavy Horses


pfm Member
The record cleaning has taken me into the Js now. Couldn’t resist it, having got as far as Heavy Horses, to give it a quick spin. I haven’t listened to this in years, why not? Rather good. Mind you, a few Jethro Tulls are missing, pointing back to that move all the years ago, unless misfiled and I will stumble across them later (wishful thinking).
One of my favourite Tull albums. I remember buying it on the first Saturday after it's release.
Record cleaning is a good way to rediscover LPs.

Do you file records using first name/last name or them other way round with Tull being an exception as it is the name of the band not a solo artist?

Heavy Horses, and its immediate predecessor Songs From The Wood are two of my favourite Tull albums.
Record cleaning is a good way to rediscover LPs.

Do you file records using first name/last name or them other way round with Tull being an exception as it is the name of the band not a solo artist?

Heavy Horses, and its immediate predecessor Songs From The Wood are two of my favourite Tull albums.

A fair question, bands not made after an individual would be filed first name, whereas bands or individuals named after an individual would be filed last name. So naturally I located Songs from the Wood along with Aqualung in the T section, doh!

