
Gradient SW-63s: Drivers & Crossover


pfm Member
After many years hankering after a pair of these to go with my ESL63s I have finally bought a shabby but for me affordable pair.

I'd appreciate any advice as to:

I think the current units have rotten surrounds. Does anybody know what I can replace them with that will be close to the original spec or whether surround replacement kits are available?

This was not supplied so I'm looking to find out whether there are effective affordable alternatives to the 'audiophile' unit that Gradient now offer?

I'll be using them with an Audiolab 8200 CDQL as source and preamp and two late GB Audiolab 8000Ps. I'm not looking to change this side of the set up in the near future.

Gradient have kindly informed me that the Peerless 830669 is the replacement driver.

Can anybody suggest any ways forward regarding a crossover?
thanks for that, I think the Gradient one is priced beyond my means! I've also read that their earlier one could have a detrimental impact on the signal going to the ESL63s. I will have to explore the world of XO's and maybe have a go at building one.
Thanks for that, I have a feeling it may be expensive?

I've now replaced the surrounds using surrounds supplied by 'good hifi' that fit very well.

Time now to get my head around line level crossovers, can anyone point me towards good source material for beginners?

