
Ginger Beer


pfm Member
I have just had a BBQ with sausages from the local butcher, Baguette from the local baker, fried onions from Aldi and a big spoon of Colmans mustard, yes, it was the dogs b******S!!

But rather than wash this down with a couple of lagers, I had a large glass of Waitrose 'Fiery and Aromatic' Ginger Beer with ice. Not the alcoholic variety, the stuff they sell in the 2lt brown plastic bottle. In fact, the only reason I ended up with this today is that Waitrose had on 'special offer' at 63p a bottle!

Forget the price, this Ginger Beer really is the dogs b******S!!
It's even better with a good slug of dark rum and a slice of lime, DarknStormy. Perfect.
Sounds very nice. Lashings of ginger beer....five go mad in dorset.

Its lovely when a food and drink experience is just right.

I might get some on chill tomorrow.

Going mad on Mint choc chip ice cream tonight Mmmmmm
Yes, the exploding ginger beer bottle, I remember being woken up by explosions and seeing ginger beer fountains.

I do 40 pints at a time using champagne yeast & let it sit in a pressure barrel for a few weeks. Becomes quite alcoholic!

