
Fuses keep blowing in my 250

Sorry to hear you got problems, sounds like either reversed polarity on one or both of the new caps, or a short in the wiring to the caps, failed rectifier or some other PSU overload. I'd check the above, then call Les if no joy.

Cheers & Good luck!

Matthew, did you check the polarity of the caps as I advised you..?? The POLARITY MUST BE OBSERVED.....sorry for shouting but you must check...
Matt, your second image shows the white vent at the terminal end of the caps, pointing downwards. The vent should be UPPERMOST so remove the terminals and rotate the left hand cap only by 180 degrees. Re-assemble and all should be well.
Your hicap should be OK.

The hicap has 2 x +ve supplies; the two negative terminals are commoned to give the 0V reference point. Like this:

(+) (-)-------(-) (+)

The 250 has both pos and neg supplies to the regulator boards.

This means that one of the caps has its positive terminal commoned to the negative of the other cap. This provides a pos and a neg supply whilst maintaining the polarity of the cap that gives the neg supply. Like this:

(-) (+)-------(-) (+)

Hope this helps
Probably not. A Hicap has only +ve rails, whereas a NAP requires both +ve & -ve rails. Hence the +ve terminal on the negative rail cap (and the -ve terminal on the positive rail cap) connects to ground.

edit - Jo beat me to it!
Well done men all's well that ends well. Confusing though when the HiCap is configured differently - it pays to assume nothing in this game......

