
full frame FX cameras


DC stands for defocus control. Nikon makes two DC lenses -- the 105 mm f/2 DC and 135 mm f/2 DC.

By turning the DC ring on the lens, you can control the extent of what's out of focus, either in front of or behind the plain of focus, by changing the lens’s correction for spherical aberration. Bokeh also varies according to the amount of spherical aberration (under-correction yield smoother bokeh, over-correction yields harsher bokeh), so the DC ring also lets you favour how creamy -- or not -- either the foreground or background will be.

Just going from memory, but I think this is what DC lenses do.

A shot I took with the 105 DC...



DC does work, but it's a bit of a gimmick. If you set a 105mm or 135mm lens to f/2 or f/2.8, the background is plenty blurred. The only benefit I see is having some control over where the most of the blurring occurs, in front of the plain of focus in this example --


Dan, in simple terms it makes the doughnut bokeh into smooth bokeh, but you have to choose whether to correct foreground or background. In the photo of Lucy I have chosen to correct the background bokeh, so the otherwise fussy curtain and seat cover patterns are diffused into a mellow glow (to my eyes anyway)

If you overcorrect you can get something like a soft focus lens effect.

I think Joe has nailed the focus and defocus image control on his shot(s) nicely.

Another thing about the 135 is that the front element is even more pleasant to look at than the 85/1.4


Gimmick ? pah !
Cliff, you're doing a terrible job at convincing me to buy a very sensible additional canon camera rather than a Nikon. BTW, I presume there is no benefit for the casual snapper in the D3 over the D700?
Cliff, you're doing a terrible job at convincing me to buy a very sensible additional canon camera rather than a Nikon. BTW, I presume there is no benefit for the casual snapper in the D3 over the D700?

more pictures per battery charge
second grip/control
faster multi exposure
100% VF
better weather-proofing
two memory card slots
bigger memory buffer

heavy as a brick
flash commander only by adding SU800/speedlight
Oh well, I seem to have bought myself a 1Ds Mark II. Now to do a load of testing with my lenses and see what's what. I'm worried that my cheap primes will have problems at the edges....

