
Front Line Assembly - where to go ?


I feel much better now, I really do...
From a collection of minidiscs acquired ages ago I happened upon this dramatic, heavy and interesting piece by what I discovered later was by Front Line Assembly.

I have nothing else of theirs at all...I do like the track "Mortal" I wonder what is considered their most representative work ? Do any fishes like FLA?
I was into industrial music in the early 90s and bought their album Gashed Senses and Crossfire which I really liked. If you like this then also look at Skinny Puppy which were quite similar. Their first album Bites is good. I also liked Front 242, try the album Front by Front, it's more dance oriented than the other bands. I assume you know Nine Inch Nails but also worth looking at if not.
I have heard of Nine inch nails but don't know their music...I know they did a theme for Doom didnt they ?

