
Does the "New Statesman" magazine still exist?... or is it now run by a failing AI?

Jim Audiomisc

pfm Member
Some weeks ago I posted a letter + cheque to New Statesbloke to renew a subscription. Since then nada.

I've tried emails and have got nothing beyond a robot response

"From: New Statesman Subscriptions
Thank you for contacting the New Statesman subscriptions department. We aim to respond to your enquiry within 3 business days (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm GMT/BST).

We appreciate your patience and look forward to talking to you soon.

Kind Regards,
The New Statesman subscriptions team "

But no follow up after more than the claimed delay.
Christ Jim, why would you want to subscribe to this shite?

It makes an interesting change wrt Private Eye or New Internationalist. Also helps cast a light on the LP from a different angle.

I don't have to agree with everything I read. Indeed, one useful point is that finding things I then disagree with helps me to think about what my - different - reasoning may be.

Similar when I read, for eg, 'Old Sparky' in PE. Weird mix of sense and confusion.

I also still read/write Usenet stuff. Again, helps me to see what some people believe or argue. Helps sharpen my ability to decide why drivel is drivel. Or sometimes be surprised to agree.
Some weeks ago I posted a letter + cheque to New Statesbloke to renew a subscription. Since then nada.

I think that's your problem. They are probably passing it round the office and wondering what it is.

"You can pay for your subscription either by debit/credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) or by Direct Debit."

Maybe write a letter to the editor to complain about the demise of the traditional cheque being yet another sign that Britain is in the grip of woke madness.
If they're too lazy to take a cheque OR bother to reply to emails then I cannae be bothered to get the magazine. New Internationalist is a far better one. Staggers is mainly useful for some book reviews or gossip about the parties. If they are that lazy I wouldn't trust them to keep card/personal details, etc, safe, either.
Why is Stephen Fry debating idiotic bigoted Alex Jones/Andrew Tate wannabe Jordan Peterson? I can’t be arsed watching it to find out! What is the tldr? Why is it on this thread?

