
Does anyone use 110 film?

Patrick Dixon

I think I have 8 rolls coming in a job lot of eBay film. Free to a good home.

(Many be expired, but reputedly has been refrigerated.)
I used to use it a lot in my little Pentax but got disenchanted with the very poor quality prints until I found Kodachrome 110 slide film - absolutely fabulous. I stopped using the camera when I stopped being able to buy that film - yours isn't slide is it?
I don't, but I want to after seeing Pete's link, I always wanted one of those keyring cameras. Assuming it isn't slide, and Copperjacket didn't get in first, if I promise to get a camera for it, could I have it please? I'm sure I can find a way of fitting it into a developing tank.
It's Konica Centuria 200 24 EXP (ISOP 200 / C41) apparently. I guess that makes it non-slide then, so when I get it I'll post it on to Annex if you send me your address.

Unless you want 4 rolls each?
Cool, thanks very much. Four rolls sounds good if the others are wanted by someone else.
Thanks Patrick. Need to figure out how to develop the stuff first! :) Can't imagine it will load on to a reel particularly easily.

