


PFM Villager...
Does conversion from DNG into TIFF throw away any image information? I know DNG-bundled metadata will be lost, but in terms of preserving image quality would I lose the ability to pull from shadows etc? I believe TIFF is 16bit per pixel, so I am guessing there's enough headroom for all modern camera sensors but not sure....
Any conversion from RAW sets a level of info on the file, so in theory you will, from that moment on, have less flexibility with colour and contrast etc.
The best idea is to preserve the raw file untouched having done as much work 'in camera' as you can to perfect your image. Save that image as you would a film negative.
After post processing, save the final file in any format. There's not a huge amount of difference between 'lossless' formats. I choose the one that best suits the output (printing, saving to Flikr or publishing online).

Lots more detain here:

