
DL-110 output levels?


pfm Member
HI all,

I've a Linn Axis, with a DL-110 cartridge fitted to a Basik+ arm. I like the sound, but I'm finding the output level a little low with the phono board on my pre-amp [Meridian 201] set to MM.

On some LPs that are mastered fairly hot, it's fine, but I'm finding with some classical piano discs that on quieter movements I have to crank the volume on the pre-amp to the point where there's a little hiss/rumble. The deck and pre-amp are quiet normally, there's no issue with noise, but I have the volume on those discs really turned up.

However, I'm not sure about just switching the input over to MC, it seems a little loud and boomy by comparison.

Any suggestions? For information, are some records mastered at particularly low volumes?


Yes. It's low compared with a MM cart. 1.6mV. Just depends on how much gain you've got in your phono stage. You need about 50dB to get to line level I think
You could try an external MM phono stage with higher gain than the Meridian. Or you could just live with the fact that some classical recordings have greater dynamic range than modern music, and enjoy the quiet bits for what they are...
You can use higher gain stages, but be aware that the 110 has lower source impedance than a MM (a good thing), so while output is a bit lower, so is the noise from a MM phono stage when driven by the 110.
I find Graham Slee MM phono stages or others with gain on the high side are quite good for high output MC's. I tried mine on a number of different phono stages and thought these gave the best balance.
I'm using a DL110 with Graham Slee stage (Communicator 2 - £150ish). Both are up for replacement in the new year, but only because I'm looking at spending around £1k between the two. Into my Naim amps I've no trouble with noise, aside from the odd less than pristine record.
Most records don't pose any noise problems. The fault isn't that the pre-amp or turntable are noisy in general, in fact, I've been consistently impressed by the noise levels even with fairly poorly treated LPs.

FWIW, with this particular set of recordings [Wilhelm Kempff, Beethoven Sonatas on DG] the volume levels in entire quiet movements [not just sections] are low enough that I have the master vol on the pre-amp at 35-40 (and I don't listen at high volumes), when line-level sources are normally more like 10-15, and 'hotter' mixed LPs at about 22-25.

I suspect it's that particular combination: a record mastered with a fairly low overall output level, large dynamic contrasts between movements, a low-output [relative to standard MM] cart, and a preamp that could do with a few more dB of gain for that cartridge. Oh well.

Thanks anyway!
I too am having problems with the DL-110. In my case it's going into Naim MC boards. As you say, it's way too loud and rather excessively bassy. Because the Naim boards have an input impedance of 470R, I thought "Ah, all I need do is add a 1K5 series resistor between the cartridge and the MC input".

This certainly made the volume level correct, but now it's very much lacking in bass. I'm not really sure what value of resistor would correct things here. The stated output impedance of the DL-110 is 160R and the suggested load resistance is "more than 47K".

Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree here, but I seem to remember people here saying this cartridge works best into MC boards. What's the opinion?

I prefered DL110 into Naim MC cards when I tried - it was like lifting a cardboard box off the speakers compared to previous MM cards. But not everyone agrees, with many preferring the MM cards. Try both, sell the set you don't like.

Bit of a threadjack but I currently have a dynavector 10x5 high output mc cart going into my dyna p75mkII phonostage set up for mm/high output mc. But for a bit of variety I am about to take delivery of a dl110. I had assumed that the current set up for the phonostage would be appropriate however given the comments above should I be using the other low mc settings?
When I did some research before I bought my Dl-110 most people were keen that an MM input be used. My own experience has been that I like the sound via the MM setting on my pre-amp but that I could do with more gain on some LPs.
"Ah, all I need do is add a 1K5 series resistor between the cartridge and the MC input".

Sorry, that's very much not done with cartridges.

Pull out that 1k5. Try another 470 or even 330 in parallel with the 470R load
resistor. Alternatively, keep the load as is and substitute 33R for the 15R
feedback tail resistor in the first stage, although that is going to screw
a bit with the bass response too, and you'll need someone to look in some
detail into this as it may affect DC operating point and/or stability.

But Naim circuits are very simple. Easy enough to make one work with 50dB
of gain.
Thanks Werner,

I've reduced the load resistance as you suggest (with another 470R in parallel), and this now works very well indeed. It didn't occur to me to try this, because I assumed the resistance would then be too low for a high output MC. The now 235R load is still smaller than this cartridge's output impedance (160R), so I guess this is acceptable.

I'm not really sure what (negative) affect the load resistance will have. I guess it will reduce the cartridge's compliance (because of the greater current flow). Anyway, I'm now happy!


