
Dispute with Amazon


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I recently ordered a new computer monitor with Amazon which failed to arrive. Specifically I waited in all day with the website saying "We expect to deliver this item today" and about 9pm it changed to "Parcel handed to recipient". This is an expensive item (£1000) and the carrier was Amazon Logistics rather than a third party.

On contacting them customer support was largely unhelpful. They initially said it might arrive tomorrow if it doesn't get in touch and then "we are investigating and cannot tell you any more". Then they sent me a perfunctory email saying according to our investigation you have received the item and we will not be issuing a refund. And that if I wish to pursue this further I should contact "your local police authorities" (!) as they need a crime number.

So my question is what should I do? Contacting the police seems crazy to me and frankly I don't have the time and could be doing without the aggravation. It's also quite frustrating in that I am talking to generic customer service via the website and email and do not seem to be able to escalate this or have a conversation with someone who knows what is going on or can answer my questions.

So what words should I put in my email reply?

I plan to speak to my bank and try to get my money back via them (I paid by debit card) does anyone know about how to best get this to work?

Should I contact the police?

Is there anything else I can do?

Thanks in advance,
I'd suggest that you push them for a proof of delivery. Who are they are saying signed for it?

Definitely contact your bank, but in my experience they don't tend to do much. I have moved all of my online spending to American Express just because I have found them to be the best for this type of thing, even when taking on the big boys like Amazon.

All you can do is keep escalating it with Amazon until you get to someone who is prepared to listen - they say you have received the item, but they won't be able to prove that as you have genuinely not had it.
Nightmare of a situation, bordering on unreal Matthew. Something you'd not expect dealing directly with Amazon, I'd not expect it anyway.

Hopefully this morning you will get someone decent and easy to talk to on the line to resolve this, it is THEIR problem and for them to sort, which I'll be amazed if they don't.

As an aside I'm repeatedly told not to use my Debit card but for some unfathomable reason I've just never used a credit card.

All the best with it though mate and keep us posted.

Give it today and then we can start wondering the next step.
I have had a similar situation to this whereas the Amazon Logistics delivery track stated " handed to resident ". First thing I did was ask for the name of the recipient with a signature of delivery as proof. In my instance the driver had left the item behind a front wall & the signature was in the name of "Chris" This proved that the driver signed for it himself as no one by that name lives here. He took the initials on the label, "C.A" & guessed at any name to input into his scanner. Amazon Logistics still self sign for my parcels when I'm not in, I just leave the porch unlocked now for low price stuff, but they still leave things in full view of the street.

I'm amazed Amazon have taken this stance, they were brilliant with me, sent out a replacement that cost nearly £600.
I had this recently, but luckily only for a £4 HDMI cable. Again Amazon Logistics, and again it was "out fro delivery" then "left in letterbox. I complained and reported that it had not been delivered. The nice man on the phone arranged for a replacement which duly arrived. I noticed that the email they sent me did not refer to a missing item, but apologised that it had arrived "in such a condition".

A week later, the missing item turned up, and i phoned Amazon again. My account (consistent with "poor condition" was requiring a return). They could not explain anything, but arranged to collect the item. The item was never collected, and due to the low value I haven't been bothered to chase this, and it's now past the return date.

So despite me telling them it was missing, the system was demanding a return, and they would not acknowledge the mistake. I've also had a similar problem a year or two ago when delivering an item to another address - both times Amazon Logistics claimed to have delivered, but had not.

Not sure how this helps you, but I would suggest that you try to get them to acknowledge that it is missing. Surely they would have needed at signature at that value?
... also quite frustrating in that I am talking to generic customer service via the website and email and do not seem to be able to escalate this or have a conversation with someone who knows what is going on or can answer my questions.
I had a similar issue a few weeks ago. I got an email saying "Delivered to recipient Duncan". Whoever that was, it wasn't me. So I got on the blower and made a fuss and and they re-dispatched. Same result. I raised the heat a little and they tried yet another dispatch, refunded the two lost packages and gave me the third one FOC.

All this through their call centre in India who were pretty good at sending me emails letting me know what was going on. A pain, but resolved eventually and at no cost to me.

Given you have exactly the same issue, I suspect their reluctance to immediately ship another is because of the cost and that they suspect "sharp practises" on your part. If it we me I'd call them out on that. I.e. ask them on the phone if they are accusing you of trousering the first delivery and fraudulently trying to obtain a second. That puts them on the spot ...
Are you 100% sure you have ordered through Amazon & not a scam site,

Having used Amazon for years, this does not sound legitimate to me,

Insist on proof of delivery & the address it was delivered to, also request a contact number for the recipient, if they refuse, you have grounds to contact the police as this is fraud, which i would do without hesitation, it may be a hassle but they will make sure you receive the address delivered to & a contact number, call the recipient, tell them situation & the police are waiting to pay a visit.

The item has been delivered to the wrong address, someone has some free goods.
This surprises me I have to admit as I've found Amazon very good on the few occasions when they've screwed up for me (I'm a very regular customer). They've not screwed up a high-value order for me yet, but with the books and CDs I normally order I've never ended up with less that what I ordered even if they lost or trashed the first one. I've never had the 'delivered' claim for something not though, the worst they've done to me (other than regular inadequate packaging resulting in a return) is not notify me of a failed delivery and then cancelled the order, which later went up in price substatially. After a couple of online contacts I ended up with what I wanted at the price I first paid.
I order from Amazon all the time and not had anything delivered by Amazon Logistics - had to google them. Most of my deliveries are Royal Mail (cheaper stuff) and DPD (more expensive items), postcode lottery maybe as to which they use? Although for an item that costs a grand you'd think they'd pay for DPD with all the benefits (driver tracking, hour delivery slot, photos of your door, location it has been left, scanned signature etc) regardless of location.
I have had countless problems with Amazon deliveries, and I'm not surprised by your situation.

I tell them I have 24 hour CCTV coverage, and I can prove that they haven't delivered. They always back down at that point.
I know this sounds obvious but have you checked with all your immediate neighbours? Amazon have left a pricey parcel 6 doors away from me before now and said it had been delivered..
I have had countless problems with Amazon deliveries, and I'm not surprised by your situation.

I tell them I have 24 hour CCTV coverage, and I can prove that they haven't delivered. They always back down at that point.

I have got CCTV and in the last 3 months they have claimed to have delivered at least 3 items which have gone to the wrong address and CCTV shows they have never been down the drive.
Amazon have always replaced or refunded but they employ monkeys for peanuts so I am hardly surprised at their incompetance.
I should also add that there has never been an item worth more than £50 although Amazon Logistics have been guilty on at least one occasion so it's not just the white van man who gets paid 50p a drop or whatever.

I know this sounds obvious but have you checked with all your immediate neighbours? Amazon have left a pricey parcel 6 doors away from me before now and said it had been delivered..
This is a good point, worth asking around in conjuction with demanding proof of delivery & an address/contact number of recipient.
I've had the same "package handed to recipient". Amazon simply sent another. The suspicion is clearly theft at end of the delivery chain.
I have an ebay and amazon trade account. Ebay is the quicker responding and more helpful of the two for both traders and buyers in my experience. I am not surprised they sent you a response like this.

Ask for the signature as proof of delivery.
This does not reflect with my experience of amazon at all, when I have done returns etc they have always been ultra helpful, even when I don't think they should have been.

For instance I returned two opened used wifi devices on the basis they werent very good and they stumped up the full refund and collected the devices at their cost.

I would phone up again and see if you get someone competent.
I agree, that's not normal Amazon behaviour and totally unacceptable. Get onto them again!

I do wish Amazon would go back to using DPD in our area, they were great (and their regular driver, Glen, happens to be a hi-fi nerd!) and you always knew what time they were coming. Amazon Logistics turn up sometimes after eight o'clock in the evening, and having waited in all day it's a real nuisance.
I think their 'logistics' is just a bunch of people in their cars, at least it seems that way round here.
I wish DPD would be a regular deliverer as well, you always know when they will show up within a given hour.

Amazon Logistics does my head in when an item has been awaiting despatch for days on end, you go out & unknown to yourself the status has changed overnight to " delivering today " with Amazon Prime via Amazon Logistics.

I don't know why Amazon don't give the buyer a choice of courier, I'd happily pay for DPD all day long.

