
Digital cinema versus Film

Digital has it's place. To the best of my knowledge however it's not really capable of recreating film grain which has been used by film producers to add atmosphere etc to Films. Digital/Video results in a clean look which isn't always what the end result requires as an artistic medium. That said there are plenty of other effects that Digital can bring that just aren't possible with Film. Lucas is quite famous for having given up on Film for exactly this reason.
...and equally famous for having subsequently produced complete crap. :mad:

You can't blame the medium for that.

I watched it, very enjoyable if you're film tech type.

Movies shot on film, still have to be digitised for post production anyway.
We're back to the stills practise of scanning negs/slides again.

Digital is now almost matching film for dynamic range but the bit i found interesting was how digital changed the pace of film making. Everyone having to wait on the dailies, tension on set when those expensive reels of 10min films were rolling through the cameras. The luddites will always hanker for the old ways, the pioneers will embrace the new and just get on with pushing the boundaries.

BTW, Danny Boyle is a god.

