
D3 buffer memory expansion service

Joe P

Memory Alpha incarnate | mod; Shatner number = 2

A service you might be interested in.

My guess is that Nikon is doing this so the gap between the D3 and D700 is a bit wider. At £300 + VAT I won't bother, but if you often shoot your camera in machine-gun mode this may be worth doing.

Thanks for the link Joe. I have occasionally hit the buffer problem, eg when panning to take shots of cyclists going round the local bike track. A slightly more major issue when recently trying to take a burst of shots of an owl flying over a group of kids (including one of mine) was trying to get the lens to stay in focus on the owl. I'm sure I have something set incorrectly on the camera - I think in burst mode you can tell the lens to concentrate on focussing at the expense of frame rate - must read the manual at some point. (using an AF-S lens by the way).


PS I don't think I'm the only D3 user on pfm.

I've read the D3 manual (for a camera I don't own!) and seem to recall there being custom functions for altering the AF vs frame rate behaviour for servo mode.

Also, if the D3 is anything like canon you might be caught out by strange behaviour with how an initial lock is found. With the 1D even if you are using all 45 focus points for tracking, the lock is taken from the centre point, then once a lock is established it then uses the additional points to keep hold of the lock.

BTW i've never hit the 18 frame buffer limit on my 1D - but then i'm only shooting at 8fps ;-)

Just checked in the manual, and I like the sound of a3: Dynamic AF Area. Basically you start from a selected focus point in AF and the surrounding focus points are used if the subject moves off the selected point which dynamic-area AF is being used. Apparently.

BTW, I enjoyed having a go with your D3. I must have a go with my 1D alongside at some point. It feels much lighter than my camera, and possibly a little smaller. The mirror blackout gives you that confident snap so you feel that you've really caught the moment you were after.


It's Vuk, right? Vuk's a big Nikon guy. ;-)


