


Regular pain requires regular painkillers.
@hifinutt is correct.
A two week+ trial of full dose paracetamol is a good basis for assessing long term pain control.
No constipating effect at all.
No interaction with alcohol.

Even if that only helps with 30% of the pain, it is something that can be built upon with the addition of other agents.

I might me really confused, but didn’t you once post here to say you work, or worked, in a pain clinic?

I hate pain!
Are all opiates banned where you are? Even for 'prescription/professional use?
What about use in surgery, heart attack pain etc?
They use controlled prescription only like Tramadol and morhine, but different rules about opiates is something you should always keep in mind if going on holiday anywhere in SE Asia. Only this week a couple were charged with trafficking cannabis here with a mandatory death penalty if convicted.
Sometimes I also combine ibuprofen and paracetamol as advised by my doctors

A friend of mine is a research scientist at a pain clinic at UCL and they have long said that. Ibuprofen and paracetamol taken together give more pain relief than when taken separately and, outside of severe pain (a broken leg, late stage cancer, etc) are more effective than opioids.
from a hazy memory codeine is one of those drugs that different people metabolise differently. It’s a genetic thing with slow and quick metabolisers.

IANAD but I believe it's more weak and strong than slow and quick and it depends how much you are able to metabolise into morphine. About 20% of people metabolise very little and so get basically no analgesic benefit from Codeine, a tiny percentage do it super efficiently and codeine can actually be dangerous.
A friend of mine is a research scientist at a pain clinic at UCL and they have long said that. Ibuprofen and paracetamol taken together give more pain relief than when taken separately and, outside of severe pain (a broken leg, late stage cancer, etc) are more effective than opioids.

interesting i would have thought it better to space them out to even up the effect . the problem of course with ibubrufen is that many elderly cannot take it due to the bad effect potentially on the stomach . many GPs will not prescribe non steroidal anti inflammatory tablets to the elderly
I tried CBD oil to alleviate arthritic hip pain.
Utter waste of time.
Neurofen plus on the other hand works wonders.

Could be a quality/quantity issue. There's been lots of clinical trials to prove that CBD products are effective for pain management of MS, Cancer, Arthritis, etc, etc

Only this week a couple were charged with trafficking cannabis here with a mandatory death penalty if convicted.

That's barbaric.
Codeine, codeine, codeine
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Codeine, codeine, codeine
Please don't take him just because you can
And I cannot compete with you
He talks about you in his sleep
And there's nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name

I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do
Codeine, codeine, codeine
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Please don't take him even though you can

To sing country, you have to live country.
Codeine, codeine, codeine
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Codeine, codeine, codeine
Please don't take him just because you can
And I cannot compete with you
He talks about you in his sleep
And there's nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name

I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do
Codeine, codeine, codeine
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Please don't take him even though you can

To sing country, you have to live country.
many GPs will not prescribe non steroidal anti inflammatory tablets to the elderly

Ibuprofen (including branded over the counter versions) are a no-no for folks taking meds for cardiac issues, not sure the exact details but my GP stopped me having them (Naproxen) on those grounds. A pity because Naproxen really put the 'killer' in pain killer!

I can take two 30/500s for a headache and get little in the way of side effects, or pain killing effects for that matter. The most spacey I've been though was some Co Proxamol I got from a relative in the early 2000s, had no idea what it was they just gave it me for headaches when I complained ibuprofen etc. did nothing. Wow, thought my legs had stopped working, it was great stuff!
There is a lot of person to person variation in opiate drugs. I can take codeine, it's great. So is morphine, under medical supervision, obvs. No side effects, no pain, feel great. I can absolutely see why it's so addictive and so dangerous. My mother gets every side effect going with codeine and feels dreadful on it.

Never tried CBD. On the occasions when I may have smoked a joint, where legal in Amsterdam, obviously, I can't stay awake for the next day. Ruins me. A shame, because the time where you are just walking around and everything is great is very nice and fits in well with the general Amsterdam thing.
Codeine with paracetamol is pretty efficient for me: 600 mg paracetamol plus 50 mg of codeine.
No side effects whatsoever.
But I’m very tolerant to medications in general.
I have had Heroin, under medical supervision....a couple of times, both for heart pain and post operatively. They are very coy about it and usually call it by its chemical name 'Diamorphine'. Heroin is a trade name. As mentioned above.. I found it to be a wonderful experience and I can fully understand how people get addicted. Not only did it instantly take away the excruciating pain of a heart attack.. but it also took away all of the attendant anxiety, and left me feeling warm, secure and peaceful. And no unpleasant side effects.

I can't really take Ibuprofen. It batters my stomach. I only used it once when a Doc told me to take it, as the lesser of two evils, for excruciating infected piles and to take Gaviscon at the same time. It worked at reducing the inflammation, but I stopped it ASAP.

However, I've had an interesting development. I took my daily Cardio meds today, as normal. I took no Codeine or paracetamol. A couple of hours later, I got very nearly the same feelings as with the Codeine yesterday... On checking, the only thing which has changed, is that my statin (Atorvastatin) is from a different supplier. It's a smaller pill and there is no info as to the 'other ingredients', whereas the stuff I've been taking for years is very well documented. So, I will not take it tomorrow, and see what happens I'll also ask the pharmacy if they've had any other feedback. Statins are long term protective drugs, so missing a couple of days is neither here nor there.

