
cheap electronic components in Hong kong


Vintage by heart

Right now, I am visiting Hong Kong for 2 weeks. I found that the price of some electronic components is cheaper here. Using exchange rate of 1 Sterling = 13 HK dollar:

10000uF 63V Rubycon caps HK$16 = 1.3 pound

0.1uF 600V Solen polyproplene caps HK$10 = 0.8 pound

0.5uF 1000V unknown brand polyproplene cap HK$3 = 0.24 pound

I also found that the multimeters can be a lot cheaper as long as you don't mind the brand. For HK$88 (6.8 pound), you can buy a full size multimeter with DC/AC manual range, transistor measurement, audio signal, etc.

There are also plenty of expensive used hi fi made in the US for sale. I went to a building in Mongkok with 16 floors of second hand hi fi!

Also, you can find some 2nd Birtish HiFi in Hong Kong very cheap except LS3/5A. Now 1 Sterling = 13.4 HK dollar.

Morris@Hong Kong

