
CD Player to match LP12

Been there and after a long journey I think I've got something really close !

I started my CD journey years ago now :

Linn Karik
Linn Karik + Numeric
Linn Ikemi
Nami CDX
Naim CDX + XPS

All of the above were great but nowhere near as good as my LP12. I sort of stopped seraching for that sound that the LP12 produced, in a digital format. Then a frew years ago I got the bus again and decided to looks around once again. I listened to the aforementioned Rega Isis Valve, and also a Metronome Technologie Kalista, bith one which were stunnnig, but not at all like an LP12.

Then I heard the Linn CD12 .... this was a game changer !

Truly wonderful warm sound, that is a knat's c**k away from the LP12. I listened to both the original 20-bit version and the later 24-bit model, and the 20-bit was bar far the better option. Once listened to I simply had to get one and managed to pick up a one owner mint condition item via PinkFish classifieds some time ago now.

Simply the best !
Suggest you don't try and find a CD player that matches the LP12 - they are different formats and their strengths are different.

If you are looking for something as musical as your LP12, then the obvious route is a Linn DS and a NAS drive, plus a bit of time to rip your CDs.
Then I heard the Linn CD12 .... this was a game changer !

Truly wonderful warm sound, that is a knat's c**k away from the LP12. I listened to both the original 20-bit version and the later 24-bit model, and the 20-bit was bar far the better option.

That's interesting, because at the end of the nineties a dealer brought down three CDPs to install in my system; a CDS2, CD12 and something else. I would have begun my CD journey at that juncture had the CD12 not been £12K. The others paled into insignificance c.f. my Orbe/V/Clavis. Totally natural and effortless musicality.

B.t.w., I think the expression is 'gnat's prick' !:D
Going to be controversial here (particularly from Rob)- but ive had the Densen 440sx in my system and it sounds nothing like an Lp12:rolleyes:

I loved my lp12/ekos/troika/lingo when i had it (very musical , analog, involving - almost forgot i was listening to a HiFi:D)

Ive bought and auditioned possibly 20 different digital front ends (streamers/ Dacs/Cd players(£500- £15K price bracket) and the only thing ive truly been really happy with is the Naim CDS3 (however i will give massive brownie points to Rega Isis and Chord Hugo)
Best advice i can give you is to audition , dont take a risk buying blind , i did to my cost :rolleyes:
Goodluck :)

I prefer the CD555 to the CDS3, albeit at a far greater cost. There have been some very cheap SH ones round recently. Worth a listen to IMO.
Only problem being if something goes wrong with the CD12 the product is no longer supported by Linn. Maybe Mark Slade may be able to repair it who knows.


no idea, if you really do find something, let me know!

Why not invest in making the LP12 even better, time for a better phono stage or cart?

Ok, if CD is really what you want, I bow to greater experience of the other forum members. Perhaps start by getting a decent dac and whether you feed from CD transport or computer you should get reasonable digital results...

Good luck.
With regard to support from Linn for the CD12 ...

I had to speak with them last week on a separate issue and took the opportunity of asking about the CD12. It is still supported and they have an ample supply of most components including the laser units.

