
cans for an iPod

Joe P

Memory Alpha incarnate | mod; Shatner number = 2

What cans do you use with your portable audio thingies? The cat reverse-engineered my white ear buds so I'm looking for a good but cheap replacement (for the ear buds, not the cat).

Both in-ear or on-ear suggestions (again, not the cat) are welcome and the only criteria are (a) must work with an iPod and (b) cost less than a hundred Canuck clams -- the lesserer the betterer.


A bit of Googling turned up these AKGs, but I'm all ears, as it were, to other suggestions.

I use AKG K450s and like them a lot. They fold-up, are efficient and easy to drive so don't drain the battery, sound good (quite warm and weighty), are closed-back, so reasonable isolation / low spill and are comfortable and affordable. In fact I like them so much I bought another pair as a back-up as they are so cheap!
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+1 for the Phonaks. Amazon occasionally have them cheaper still and I was gobsmacked by the sound - and I've tried loads, including some £150 sennheisers.
Don't even know if you can still get them, But Etymotic ER6-i's are still in use 6 years down the line, and never felt the need to upgrade.
I use beyerdynamic DT1350, very high quality sound for a compact supra aural set of cans, and very good isolation for commuting too.

EDIT - just seen the Phonak comments above and I concur - great value IEMs with an extremely clean sound. I also have a pair but use them less as IEMs can make my inner ears sore. Good for when its raining though as under a hat they won't get any water on them.
I use 1350 for out and about as well, but they rather bust his budget, teh morerer teh worserer.
Been through a LOAD of in ear phones - Shures, AKG, Sennheiser, Sony, Goldring, but these are by far the best for the money:

Nice and light, the cables don't rub and make a noise in your ear when you're walking/running unlike the Shures, they're easy to drive so fine for an iPod unlike the Sonys, they have a nice fit and come with plenty of spare buds unlike the Goldrings and they also sound very good.

Or you can get the limited edition versions for another tenner from here:

Slightly better top end on these, but the differences are quite subtle.

Some reports of unreliability, but I'm on my second pair of the RE-0s having lost the first and no problems here.

INCREDIBLY useful review page here:
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I have the AKG 450s for when I'm on the move...very good value.

and some of those Phonak Audeo in-ear thingies which are also very good sound quality, but I find they don't stay put if I am moving around..

From a sound point of view, either would do you well...
Go try a few out would be my advice as it will depend upon the ipod model. The few i have listened to ( bought for the kids over the years ) have had differences in the balance some more bass heavy than others ( i use the same sets of headphones to listen to them)

